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Comment Re:More than one type of "freedom" (Score 1) 1098

Why RMS is so against that yet claims to be pro freedom, I'll never understand.

It's because he fundamentally disagrees with this assertion:

in the end the code belongs to whoever the original author is

RMS would argue that the code belongs to the user. Once you understand that, you'll understand that the GPL contains no restrictions at all.

Comment Re:This is why I don't play deterministic games (Score 1) 136

Yes, but do you know every objectively perfect move? Not even Gerry Kasparov or Magnus Carlson do, so chess is still a fun game no matter how good or how bad you play.

They do know a lot of the objectively perfect opening and closing moves. The mid-game is still open, but in order to get there in a good position you have to memorize a lot of openings. And then in order to know what you want to do during the midgame, you have to memorize a lot of closings.

Chess is a fun game to play casually, but there's a lot of rote if you actually want to do well.

Comment Re:I've always wondered that about antihistamines (Score 1) 351

Nothing more than a little drowsiness? Benadryl impairs driving performance more than being drunk. Use a 2nd generation antihistamine like fexofenadine or loratidine.

There's little reason to use diphenhydramine for much of anything these days. Want an antihistamine? Use loratidine. Want to fall asleep? Use doxylamine. Want an anti-emetic? Smoke some pot.

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
