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Comment Re:I do declare (Score 1) 234

This is not an ethicist making this case, this is a lawyer who wants his cut.

That's not to say that the ivory tower academics (read: sociologist and other useless fields masquerading as a science) won't eventually put this in the spotlight of their shitty post-modern papers and circlejerk about how it's causing divisions in society and blah blah blah, but luckily, no one ever listens to them.

Comment Re:Big deal. (Score 1) 449

You're forgiven. Having since calmed down, I now realize that your level of social functioning is somewhere between that of APK and the fetid asshole spammer, so I also apologize for setting my expectations of you too high. I hope that with this misunderstanding out of the way we can be friends again, but I still hope that you will work on maturing past the `M$' antics typical of 11 year olds.

Comment Re:SubjectsInCommentsAreStupid (Score 1) 458

If you believe in magical, invisible unicorns when your a kid, it's cute. If you believe in them as an adult, you are retarded. If you want to bring up the tired argument of "cant disprove god LOL", then you are retarded. Just because it is impossible to prove that those magical unicorns don't exist, doesn't mean shit as far as showing that the possibility shouldn't be denied.

Submission + - Iranian News Agency Says The U.S. Is Secretly Run By Nazi Space Aliens. Really. (washingtonpost.com) 1

cold fjord writes: The Washington Post reports, "On Sunday, the hard-line semi-official Fars News dropped one of its biggest bombshells yet: The United States government has been secretly run by a "shadow government" of space aliens since 1945. ... The alien government is based out of Nevada and had previously run Nazi Germany. ... the controversial NSA programs are actually a tool for the aliens to hide their presence on Earth and their secret agenda for global domination. ... President Obama is said to be a tool of the aliens, though anti-alien factions within the U.S. government are fighting to topple him. Their present aim is to install a global surveillance system that will ... allow them to finally impose a one-world government and enslave humanity. The best part ... is the sourcing. ... The progenitor of it all, of course, is ostensibly NSA leaker Edward Snowden, who has waited until now to reveal that the real reason for all those NSA programs is aliens." ... there's also a more serious undercurrent here. A worldview that sees the U.S. as an evil hegemonic force so irrationally driven toward global domination that it must be run by space aliens is not a worldview that is predisposed toward negotiation or accommodation." — More at Forbes and Foreign Policy. Nothing at The Onion.

Submission + - Awesome Games Done Quick Raises $1,000,000 (rockpapershotgun.com)

Robotron23 writes: Specializing in beating video games as rapidly as possible whilst raising money for cancer prevention, Awesome Games Done Quick just staged its most successful marathon to date with over $1,000,000 in donations. Highlights include Duke Nukem 3D (completed in 12 minutes), Super Metroid (45 minutes) and Half-Life (39 minutes). Game developers involved with the games, such as Valve's Zoid Kirsch, weighed in to add commentary.

Comment Re:Regex this (Score 1) 172

The methods to distribute food and to purify water are largely solved. If it weren't, then the developed world would not be able to support such large populations. It's a distribution and education problem in areas so afflicted. If you want, you can probably buy some tractors and water filters right now and have them shipped to poor villages. The techniques needed to make fertilizer or purify water by boiling are well known. What is lacking is the industrial capability to manufacture enough and the supporting infrastructure, and the unwillingness of foreign entities to spend money on it and hostility by groups that benefit from the status quo (be it the warlords that will seize the goods, the arms dealers that want the conflict, or anyone else who will accept bloodshed and misery in exchange for money). A political issue that no amount of "world changing" technology is going to fix. Not interesting.

And besides that, tinkering around with regex to do neat things, while clever, doesn't mean that that cleverness will transfer to other tasks. Would you trust your rocket scientist to give you brain surgery just because both tasks are considered intelligently prestigious enough to be in a popular idiom proclaiming their brilliance?

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