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Comment Re:Why not use Rust? (Score 5, Insightful) 509

Because the statement is hollow: "Sound good," posted one of their commenters, "though ultimately I'd like kernel devs to adopt Rust as their main Linux kernel development language. Beats the crap out of C and C++ combined."

You have no scientific proof. It is your opinion.

People have been attempting to replace C since it was conceived.

Sort of like the idiocy in configuration management systems I see today.

Lets throw RPM and well know configuration management tools we have used for the past 20 plus years like bash shell scripting and invent a way to configure boxes by adding not required additional daemons, Oh lets also throw in different languages and screwy config formats like YAML. That way we can boost the requirements on our resumes for higher salaries so we can make things incredibly overly complicated, to even updated a single .conf file in etc.

I call BULLSHIT on you CF Engine, Puppet and Chef admins.

Like these management systems such as have no proof these systems like rpm and C should be replaced for build, configuration or programming.

Other than the fact it wasn't invented by a very naive generation of idiots out of college who like to pretend the last 20 years of the computing industry was a mistake and really doesn't exist.

Just my opinion, but everyday I manage thousands of boxes with bash and rpms for config management. I also patch using the C language.

Works great, and I don't need to learn Ruby, YAML, or create daemons for clients, or secure their firewalls...or...

Well, you get the idea.

Comment Idiot (Score 2) 473

Exactly how does this relate to his product performance at Google?

I work with a lot of people that say interesting things in memos, but our organization doesn't fire them. (You might have heard about that thing called a constitution...or whatever...)

You might get a trip to human resources if you threaten people. But stating your views on gender issues or professional issues is not a firable offence.

The best thing that could happen here is to break google up into about 100 companies, maybe seize the boards/CEO's assets.

Put those assets to work in seed startups on power, energy, food, transportation and of course computing and bring back the free market.

All of this money thats being locked up and hid offshore by these CEO's and boards is a waste of human potential really.

We of course have laws that recognize this, but they are not being enforced.

So then next thing after we break up google is to start looking at the judges, political class that broke those laws by not enforcing them.
(Democrat, Republican or otherwise.)

Strip them of their US citizenship. Then let the immigration ICE people handle it. :-)

Comment Easy just use AMD stuff. (Score 1) 312

No NVidia Licensing issues anyway, and AMD since opening up its drivers are more reliable now on all platforms as many more engineers are working on drivers in the OpenGL area than Nividia is on Direct X.

One example is games and I found worked surprising well with WINE now, and I was able to dump my Windows Guest with VFIO to run FAF.

Comment True. (Score 1) 268

The entire economies of the West are now owned by the banks.

Who owns most of the companies stocks? USA, Eurozone, Japan?


Who owns the most real estate in USA, Europe, Japan?


What does this result in?

A planned economy. We have a planned economy now, and the banks print money into the stock markets to grow it or contract it.

We all know how planned economies end? Collapse.

This has been possible through the illegal consolidation of the financial systems and markets into monopolies such as FANG.

This happened because the laws are being ignored to rape and pillage the real economy outside of Wall Street/Banks and these go directly into politicians pockets.

The people you get to pick from to elect.

We don't even have a democracy in this sort of system, which many people are starting to figure out.

Comment Sure I bet it comes with FREE Health Care too. (Score 1) 226

This from the same state that said it would provide every illegal with FREE Healthcare? Even knowing what the budget numbers where in excess of a trillion dollars they voted for it anyway?

Where is this money going to come from to hookup every home with Fiber?

Maybe they could add a RENT tax, so that if you pay $3800 a month rent now, you would gladly pay $4700 a month rent with a nice tax.

Comment Re:Why Java? (Score 1) 179

Portability is a sorta of a half truth, and doesn't do JAVA justice.

It is portable INFRASTRUCTURE.

If you have a JVM you have all sorts of infrastructure available that goes way beyond the language. So for example in the definition you describe portability is limited to the language and compiler output of the binaries for different processors.

Java goes a couple of steps further, besides a binary its environment defines a consistent portable computer that includes not just portability, but security sandboxing. It insures that the environment is consistently portable.

So if you can port the Java VM, you port ALL software. Thats not true if you port a C program, even though C is immensely portable you just ported one program written in C.

There are other fascinating aspects to JAVA which will more than likely last even longer than C has due to just this on example. But as you can see, it is a huge advance in protecting ones investment and insuring software written today will only require ONE port of a VM to run on new hardware tomorrow.

Giga quantities of money saved actually.

Comment Glad I don't Live in Wistaxson anymore. (Score 1) 245

No way are the jobs going to be anywhere near 53K a year, try like 32-40K. Probably no benefits or worthless ones.

In 5 years this goes bust, at those salary rates most people can't buy what they are putting together after they pay rent, taxes, food and Obamasteel My Dough care.

I would write down every single name that voted for this and when it does go bust in 5 years string them from a tree.

Secondly, you know, I wanna start a storage company. I have been working on various storage ideas for a new multilevel file storage system for LINUX which I think would have a lot of commercial potential. Not going to see the light of day because I can't negotiate these sorts of contracts with these companies to legally graft money from the locals.

No offense, but I will keep my file system code to myself, and everyone who voted for that can go F themselves.

Comment Best way to destroy a persons self worth. (Score 1) 472

Give them money so they are OK with not participating in society so you and your buddies Zuckerburg can reduce competition.

Insuring people stay at home stuck to the fake news TV screen stay out of your way.

The whole thing smacks of Eugenics with the worst sort of 1984 overtones.

Comment Accord is obsolete. (Score 1) 1109

You could argue the at accord is obsolete.

Given the advances we are seeing in Electric Vehicles, and new propsoed infrastructure projects propose by Trump many of the cities stand to be revitalized, with more efficient self driving buses and vehicles.

All electric, which will drive emissions to focal points at power plants which will centralize their eventual reduction.

Also my first car got 24 miles to the gallon. My new Jetta gets 31 miles to the gallon, and some of the newer gasoline engines coming down the pipe will be even more efficient.

Each 5mpg increase in efficiency per car probably destroys billions in Oil revenue and millions of barrels will not be burned.

if we ever solve the battery issues, everyone could own their own electric car eventually.

But right now there is no way everyone can drive an electric car as there is not enough lithium to go around unfortunately.

So we need a different battery tech. I am hoping Copper Sulfate.

Comment Re:Just say NO (Score -1, Offtopic) 125

Why? Industrial Fertilizers based on OIL products have been saving lives for decades now. Literally, many people would die without it. And I'm not just talking about starvation, I'm also talking about diabetic patients.

Fixed it for ya.

PS: GMO is crap by the way...unless of course you want to patent the entire food supply for more than likely neferarious purposes.

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