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Comment Re:In the absence of glyphosate (Score 1) 208

Which means that it's very likely that in the presence of glyphosate their yield will drop.

Which means glyphosate is acting on other biological pathways we still do not yet understand.

And yet we still consider this stuff to be safe to use.

It seems on first sight to be a positive story but it's actually pretty scary. Who knows what secret abilities other GM plants have? How will you ever know that the modification you give an organism only does what it's intended to do?q

Comment Re:Drop? (Score 1) 142

If you look closely at where the thing that holds the funnel is attached to the vertical rod, you see it 'jumps' upwards a few mm when the drop falls. It suddenly doesn't touch the grey thing underneath it anymore. I call this a hoax.

Comment Re:Obvious (Score 1) 238

Indeed. And because the corporations can not be counted upon to 'go green.' So the government has to force them to do that. And because the US and other countries are governed by corporations, nothing will happen until the corporations see their profits deminish because of global warming or other causes that they can do something about. For instance, fish factories are already working on and implementing sustainable methods of catching and/or breeding fish, because if they wouldn't they would go out of business. Hopefully it's not too late before Big Oil starts acting to reduce greenhouse gasses.

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