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Comment Re:meh (Score 2) 50

The problem is that the people who find this and of course other research like to boast about things that the layman public understands. And they want dinosaurs, the bigger the better.

Comment Re:What? (Score 2) 250

I agree. Hollywood has learned us that violence solves every problem. Even children's cartoons are full of angry characters and violence these days. I wouldn't let my kids watch Cars II, for instance, and there are more 'children's cartoons' like that. I can't believe all the violence kids see during their lives doesn't have any influence on them, especially if they watch it without their parents around to help them make sense of what they see.

Comment Re:Conscious (Score 1) 91

Yet research shows that people drive nearly equally bad while calling handsfree as while calling handheld. Just like in a computer, multitasking means being slower performing both skills. And because the environment changes while you talk or listen to someone while driving, you will miss more and thus be surprised by unexpected things more.

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