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Comment Re:My car has a range of 6000 miles (Score 1) 171

it can be, but isn't - at least not in most smelters in operation today - so obviously this incurs additional costs, that make smelting less profitable, or they would already be doing it. It is not fair to count the transmission losses costs of electricity in the efficiency equation for rechargeable batteries, unless you are also including the gather/redistribute and also lone losses for the smelter plant.
Finally, do you really want your energy system tied to a distribution means that would basically still put you at the mercy of whatever cartel was in control of aluminium battery plate distribution?

Comment Re:Gahnew (Score 1) 197

Bad analogy - there is almost no solution where the Bugatti is the right vehicle for the job.

When driving anywhere except for a racetrack, the Bugatti is massively over engineered, wasteful of fuel and basically an exercise in excess.
Even driving around a racetrack, it's not the best choice, because if your objective is to go as fast as possible around a circuit, you'd be better off with a formula 1 car.
The only thing the Bugatti is really good for, is showing how rich you are - and if you have managed to accumulate enough wealth to afford one, yet still have such crushing insecurities, your money would perhaps be better spent with a psychiatrist.

Photoshop is at least practical and useful for what it does - but like the Bugatti, is overkill for most users. I do think the GIMP's name holds it back - and I hate how the select modes work. I do wish these two areas were improved, because other than that, it does nearly everything I need.

Comment Great idea (Score 2) 330

wonder how much a system would cost that could switch my light from green to red if it detected a vehicle approaching from a red-lit direction at dangerous speeds. Can you think of an other alternative uses for these cameras?"

Such a proposed system would quicly train motorists to rush red lights even more than they already do, because they could supposedly depend on the system stopping motorists coming the other way. Problem is, if a red light isn't stopping a guy running a red light in one diection, what's going to stop a like minded driver in the other direction?

The cost wold probably be not a lot more than about 1000 deaths a year, based on but it would have the bonus of selectively knocking off the idiots that think it's ok to run red lights, as more safety concious drivers will be safely stopped.

Dollars wise? probably not too much given the hardware is already mostly in place.

Comment Re:3000 players you say? (Score 1) 398

That feeling is the knowledge that you have just burnt hours of your life that you will never get back - that feeling is trying to tell you to do something worthwhile.

I got that feeling not after a sudden in-game loss in WoW - but rather after many many hours grinding for materials to make some rather insignificant upgrade to my gear. I just woke up one day and decided I'd rather be improving myself by learning new real world skills like playing the piano, kitesurfing and spending more time keeping my technical skills up to date.
I definitely don't regret letting that go..

Its the pain of feeling a year of your life sucked away. Hopefully you have learnt from it before the machine gets cranked to 50...

Comment Re:We have the same... (Score 3, Interesting) 689

Scene: Data Models 101... 22 year ago.

Lecturer: "Today we taak abou daita modw and tupw cacuwus"
                              (followed by long string of chinese to the front row of foreign students)
Students, row 1: lots of head nodding
Students, rows 2 .. n: WTF!!?

80% of us failed that subject - which was really just basic SQL and database normalisation design etc. I scraped through but just barely - while getting distinctions and HD's in other subjects. Went well in the assignments, but you didn't pass the exam it was instant fail, regardless of your assignmnent marks. - and it didn't help that a good chunk of the exam was on stuff only in the lectures, not in the book.

Enough people failed that they went to the dean and tried to get the guy thrown out of teaching the course. Unfortunately there was no other chump willing to work for lecturers salary when those same skills were so much better paid out in industry, so they got the same guy the next year.

Fact is, having foreign lecturers is nothing new, and I went on to successfully catch up on the stuff I should have learnt in those lectures - so it didn't hurt in the long run, infact, when working in industry overseas later, it was a lot easier to work with and understand other nationalities better, having already had a fair bit of exposure to heavy accents. God knows my foreign language skills aren't exactly awesome, so you got to cut the lecturer some slack.

Main thing, is if you have a lecturer you really can't understand properly, *insist* on getting access to decent written lecture notes from him, or recordings that you can go through again later. One thing that lecturer was right about though - having good knowledge of SQL and database design really pays industry.

Comment Re:Batteries if you must (Score 1) 163

I am pretty sure the memory effect has long been debunked - it was a phenomenon that affected NiCads on satellites, where the charge and discharge cycle was very periodic and the discharge amount each time was almost exactly the same, as the craft orbited the earth. If there is much variation in the charge/discharge cycle, the memory effect does not occur.
From that fount of eternal wisdom and knowledge, The memory effect can not occur if:
* Batteries achieve full overcharge.
* Discharge is not exactly the same each cycle, within plus or minus 3%
* Discharge is to less than 1.0 volt per cell.[2]

Overcharging is going to be a much bigger cause of the batteries becoming cactus, because of formation of crystals.
There's more info in the wilipedia article about that too - but in summary, don't leave your NiCad devices charging all day and night, if you want them to keep good battery life.

Comment Re:But...Unity. (Score 1) 222

Unity does suck though - there's no denying that.
If rolling releases mean that I can keep upgrading the installed packages (including KDE but NOT including Unity) with the new better shinier versions of the software without ever having to do another major upgrade, reconfigure for the window manager I want and ditch Unity yet again, I am all for it.

However if rolling upgrades means that you might suddenly have Unity (or something similarly horrible) forced on you with a regular upgrade, then I am dead against it.

Before Unity, my pet peeve with Ubuntu was the forcing of Pulseaudio onto the system, before it was anything like stable enough to work properly. Unity isn't the only thing that Ubuntu has dunped on users before it was really ready.
If rolling releases do more of that kind of thing, it will be a disaster for Ubuntu.

Comment Re:Why not have a petition for something USEFUL? (Score 1) 205

Actually the most efficient way to heat somewhere, is to move heat fro where it is not needed (like outside) to where it is needed (ie. inside) instead of creating it from scratch.
Heat pumps, such as reverse cycle air conditioners do this, and it turns out that actually it uses much less energy to do so. Heat pumps have a Coefficient of Performance (COP), which relates their performance compared to resistive heating, for a given change in temperature.

it's not going to work for you if you experience -40 degree temperatures (damned cold in both C and F) but for more moderate temperature reigimes, such as around 0 degrees C in the UK, they can happily provide a temperature lift about 3 to 4 times more efficiently compared to resistive heating.

Comment Re:Mists of Dailyquestia (revered) (Score 2) 204

WoW is like nuclear war - the only way to win is to not play.

I have been really enjoying a real world social life now, plus found time to pick up a few real world skills like playing a few tunes on the piano. I rid myself of the compulsion to keep trying to maintain 3 level 85 toons and grinding for gear, some time around the first Darkmoon fair for the cataclysm expansion. It was grinding for all the damned herbs for darkmoon cards that finally broke the WoW experience for me. Wish I'd quit way earlier - haven't missed it at all.

Comment Re:Let's hear it for the beancounters (Score 5, Interesting) 432

I disagree - if more corporations were playing the game honestly, and actually shouldering their share of the tax burden, the overall tax rates could be lower, and regular citizens who can't escape tax as easily, could pay less. Therefore, with lower tax rates, there would be a lower marginal reward per tax payer for dodging the system.

The problem is, right now, the biggest and richest corporations and individuals can escape a large chunk of the tax that they are supposed to be paying, so more has to be paid by middle and lower level tax payers to make up the shortfall.

Comment Re:Extreme Geek Kitchen Ideas (Score 1) 372

After having experienced my chef girlfriend's cooking in a somewhat under - equipped kitchen while living on a tropical island, I can assure you that all the gadgets in the world have nothing to do with the quality of the fare that comes from the kitchen - it's all down to timing, heat, and good ingredients - and having a clue on how best to combine these elements - usually with a lot of multitasking. The rest can be improvised.
Eg. Impossible to bu castor sugar on the island? no worries - blend regular sugar till it's the consistency you want. Lacking a toaster? a grill will do just fine - only you better be able to track several things at once, or you end up with carbon. She manages it with ease. I struggle to make bacon & eggs without stuffing something. for a couple with no kids, by the time you have rinsed the dishes, loaded and unloaded the dishwasher, you might as well have just washed them by hand anyway - can preparation implements and stuff as you are cooking and finish with things, leaving hardly anything left to wash anyway by the time you eat.
Keep it simple!

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