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Comment Re: No surprise (Score 1) 224

...a behavior is "right" if it's beneficial to the species' survival and prosperity, and "wrong" if harmful to the species...

Great insight, very close. There is no need to cut along species lines.

A behavior is "right" if it helps carry the greatest amount of your genes (or the genes most similar to yours) into the next generation.

Like giving up your life for your kids, but maybe not for your grandparents.

Not risking your life to try to save a mouse.

Feeling free to eat vegetables but maybe not other mammals.

It's funny how people who want to "save the baby seals" are perfectly fine taking antibiotics and anti-virals.
They are both just as 'alive'.

We have more empathy for people and animals who's DNA is more similar to our own.

(Disclaimer: I gleaned all these insights from reading Dawkins. I wasn't smart enough to come up with them on my own.)

Comment (Score 1) 178

$6,000 to join $3,000 pa and they only have a .info domain? Nothing says "exclusive" and "accomplished" like a .info domain...

they have a .club:

(and it runs on wordpress...)

In all fairness - although Netropolitan runs on Wordpress, users do have their choice of a vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry color theme.

Comment Re:Skydiving apps (Score 1) 471

Skydiving may be a niche sport, but it's also at times a sport that relies on many gadgets.
As a skydiver, I could see uses for the following:
A barometric altimeter...

This could be hilarious:

"I wonder if it's time to pop the chute yet?"
[Checks watch]
"Damn beachball! Come on! Maybe I need to rebo..."

Comment Re:The war that no one wanted (Score 1) 471

I just love the 4k TV trend.

Those rich people parting with their money now will finance a cheap very good quality set of computer monitors for me in just a few years.

They are coming out with 5K TVs now.

That's good, 'cause all those people with 4K TVs are probably tired of watching movies and TV in stupid 4K.

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