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Comment That's the truth.I kept my 5S for that very reason (Score 1) 234

The iPhone 6 generation, 7 generation, and 8 generation were nothing but larger and faster. TouchID was the generational change and Apple didn't offer another generational upgrade until FaceID. By then I had already moved to the Galaxy s8+ and while not nearly as refined as the iPhones, I think they offer better customization and features.

Comment Oh for fuck's sake (Score 5, Insightful) 1342

Does PC cultures have to infect everything?

Everyone knows that it won't stop there. A few years later there will be more "offensive" words that need to be changed. Personally, I won't stop being offended until we're all coding in machine code and then I'll fight for machine rights because who are we to tell them their language?

Comment Re:No shit. That was the point all along. (Score 1) 345

Constant attacks are worth five billion?

People must hate 'the media' more than I thought.

The attacks didn't start until Trump was the nominee. The trouble is the media are a bunch of elitist snobs who have no personal connection with the voters.

Look at illegal immigrants
The media "Trump is an unhinged xenophobe and he hates immigrants. We're going to blast his position 24/7 to show what a bigot he is."
The public "Trump is right about illegal immigration."

Look at the wall
The media "Trump hates brown people and he wants to build a wall along the border. East Germany had a Berlin wall. Let's blast his position 24/7 to show what a bigot he is."
The public "Trump is right about the wall. We need to stop illegal immigration and drug smuggling."

Look at trade
The media "Trump is greedy and what to steal from poor people across the globe."
The public "Trump is right. We need to negotiate trade agreements that benefit both parties."

And so on.

Comment Re:No shit. That was the point all along. (Score 1) 345

It's not per se that the media "promoted" a landslide Clinton victory; it's more that they assumed a landslide Clinton victory. In fact, what they did was give Donald Trump tons of free media coverage-- about five billion dollars worth, by some estimates.

You know why they gave Trump tons of media coverage? Because they wanted him to be the face of the Republicans. The media wanted Trump to be the nominee. Then they could swoop in with the Bush tape and secure the election.

The media ran every story they could promoting Hillary. The squashed every story they could that would hurt her. The MSM were active partisan participants in the elections.

Comment Re:No shit. That was the point all along. (Score 1) 345

The press didn't promote a landslide, the statistics favored an electoral landslide for Hillary. The error margins were concerning in the midwestern states that ultimately cost her the election, but there was a reasonable assumption that that not *every single one of those states* would fall to the R side of the error bars.

That would be like the Cubs winning the World Series. Possible, but extremely unlikely.

But hey, guess what happened.

The unlikely happened in both cases that year. No one was pushing a narrative, you just don't fucking understand statistics.

You are delusional. If you think the press didn't promote a Hillary landslide then you are the only person to think that. All of them did. If your memory needs refreshing, head over to youtube and watch the early results on election night.

The only errors in the midwestern states were Hillary believing the hype. The overwhelming MSM declaring a Hillary landslide is what kept Hillary from campaigning in those states. That and her extremely poor health. Oh, which the MSM help cover up as well. Hillary was convinced by her own political machine that the blue wall was going to stay blue. So she went light on the campaigning. She's won the election already so being out there in public can only hurt her. Don't forget that she, like Trump, is an extremely polarizing figure. You know as well as I do that if the press & the polls were honest with Hillary and told her that she was in a dogfight, she would have campaigned more. Some states she NEVER visited because they were solidly blue and they polled solidly blue. How did they poll solidly blue? That's the press helping burying some things and promoting others. The press wanted Trump voters to think there was no way Trump could win so stay home.

Trump, on the other hand, campaigned his ass off. He flew to multiple SRO campaign rallies in different states daily. He worked for votes.

Don't forget the Bush tape that somehow was stored for 10 years but suddenly found it's way from NBC to Hillary's campaign. Yeah, tell me more how the MSM didn't push her election.

You speak of the election like it was a statistical anomaly, but it wasn't. Hillary had no clue why she wanted to be president. She provided the same answer Ted Kennedy did and it cost him as well. Trump, while just as polarizing as Hillary, made a connection with the voters, campaigned on good issues, and campaigned his ass off.

Comment It's funny. Apple & Google will protest (Score 1, Insightful) 74

Apple, specifically Cook, Google, and other tech companies will protest to the world the tiniest slight of possible discrimination, perceived or real, with the force of their full companies & reach, but they all will immediately drop to their knees and suck China's red cock while ignoring every major and documented human violation and discrimination over there. Along with the Middle East as well.

"Hey, we have to have a major protest if a man can't go into the female bathroom with little girls, but we don't give a fuck about gays being killed with govt support or actual female discrimination."

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