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Comment Measurements? (Score 3, Interesting) 106

How do you measure risk?

If a domain is 100% infected with software that cleans up your inbox for you more "risky" than one 50% infected with software that goes and registers you as a sex offender, steals your credit card numbers and posts your porn habits on the web?

Comment Re:Degrees (Score 1) 380

You either not have been to a University, were incredibly unfortunate in your professors, or are a classic example of 'sour grapes.'

Nearly all of the professors in my field of study became professors after having worked and pioneered in their respective fields of expertise. While they may not all be the most engaging of lecturers, it's awe-inducing to hear them talk about their own work and hear the passion that it brought to them.

Comment Re:Umm, no. (Score 1) 161

But suppose he didn't use a chain, but instead some other form of protection? It's still secured, just not with a chain.

If he secures his network with something other than a traditional password, it's still secured. Just not password protected, which is what I think the parent did.

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