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Comment Re:Two years? (Score -1) 142

How come it made into the news now but not at that time?

Two years is a long time. It seems it is the time it takes to a non-professional to tamper with a video, after the guy got the idea that the video would be more fun having a meteorite falling along with him. Seriously, a falling meteorite? Even if the camera would have caught a real meteorite, we'd have seen a blurry line, at best. The images breakdown clearly shows a number of photographs that have been added to the video.

Comment How To Handle Unfixed Linux Bug (Score 1) 266

Posting a "Ask Slashdot" question may give enough publicity to this bug to have an emotional dev take care of your problem. It seems it's the way to get things done, nowadays. There was a time where open source developers guided by passion were always keen to perform lengthy anti-regression tests and urged to fix main problems. According to the more recent versions of Gnome, Gimp, VLC, ... this time is gone [the Linux kernel being an exception].

Comment Re:Meditation......... (Score 1) 529

Indeed meditation is a good way to reduce stress, and have the brain generate serotonin. Opposing religion and stress to argue about brain capacity is ludicrous. To put it simply, strong believers in a religion accept things as they're told and, thus, have less to think and wonder about life, death, present, future and the universe... and that reduces stress. But a regular practice of some sports, a well balanced diet, friends... are some of many ways to reduce stress - while keeping one feet in true and sometimes harsh reality.

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