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Comment How To Handle Unfixed Linux Bug (Score 1) 266

Posting a "Ask Slashdot" question may give enough publicity to this bug to have an emotional dev take care of your problem. It seems it's the way to get things done, nowadays. There was a time where open source developers guided by passion were always keen to perform lengthy anti-regression tests and urged to fix main problems. According to the more recent versions of Gnome, Gimp, VLC, ... this time is gone [the Linux kernel being an exception].

Comment Re:Meditation......... (Score 1) 529

Indeed meditation is a good way to reduce stress, and have the brain generate serotonin. Opposing religion and stress to argue about brain capacity is ludicrous. To put it simply, strong believers in a religion accept things as they're told and, thus, have less to think and wonder about life, death, present, future and the universe... and that reduces stress. But a regular practice of some sports, a well balanced diet, friends... are some of many ways to reduce stress - while keeping one feet in true and sometimes harsh reality.

Submission + - Bill Gates: Snowden is No Hero!

hcs_$reboot writes: In a lengthy interview from Rolling Stone, Bill Gates, among many other subjects, is asked: "Do you consider [Snowden] a hero or a traitor?". The Microsoft founder answers: "I certainly wouldn't characterize him as a hero (...) You won't find much admiration from me".
What about Government Surveillance? "The government has such ability to do these things. (...) But the specific techniques they use become unavailable if they're discussed in detail"
Rolling Stone retorts that Privacy can be an issue, "We want safety, but we also want privacy" says the journalist. Bill Gates's tells his main priority focuses on stopping the bad guys: "let's say you knew nothing was going on. How would you feel? I mean, seriously. I would be very worried. Technology arms the bad guys with orders of magnitude more [power]. Not just bad guys. Crazy guys."

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