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'Laser Tweezers' Used to Sort Atoms 92

luckyguesser writes to tell us that Physicists at the University of Bonn are claiming to have knocked down one more quantum computing hurdle. Utilizing what they term "laser tweezers" they were able to sort and align seven atoms while capturing it on film. The plan is to construct a quantum gate using atoms imprinted with data.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Ugh, Next Time I'll Proof Read Better 6

i just went through the comments in my last je. *sigh* i should have done a better of describing what i was talking about.

the "noticing" i am talking about is having created something that has value that is useful for someone else, that has a purpose beyond my own. i know all about doing the stuff i do because i want to do them, and i know not to worry about what others think. trust me, i'm the last person who needs to be told that... having grown up in the environment i did.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Hey Mom! Watch Me!!! 20

Is that all it really is? Getting noticed; originally hoping that mom would take a second to watch you do a cannon ball into the swimming pool?

Is that what it is now, just on a less personal scale?

I was poking around Technorati and noticed that the blog I keep for Diysearch was ranked (currently) at 1,052,855. My original thought was "out of how many?" but then my thoughts quickly morphed into "well, that figures" which lead into me asking "well, why am I disappointed?"

User Journal

Journal Journal: [SFB] Fire Escape (redux) 5

a while back i recorded this song, "fire escape" and hated everything about it, except for the actual song "writing" part of it. i hated the drums, really hated the guitar, hated the mix, hated how it came out. yeah, just about everything.

well, i re-did almost everything. wanna hear how it came out?

User Journal

Journal Journal: The New SG 8

just as solemn wrote we went out and got a replacement sg.

i really like it. we were bonding earlier today. it was a fast trip to the guitar center in boston. i typically hate the guitar center, but this one was quite tolerable, even though the sales people were all over us like flies (which is typical for a guitar center) - but all and all it was tolerable.

User Journal

Journal Journal: You Can Keep Your Arena Concerts 6

i like my music on the street.

yesterday early afternoon solemn and i went down to the financial district (where we bumped into trmj, its always a good thing to see him) so she could meet with a recruiter, and i had an hour or so to kill (i took the day off).

User Journal

Journal Journal: [Random} Level 41 For Breakfast! 5

and yes, i meant the curly bracket, because its random! get it?

anyway, its quiet here. ghost town like.

so yeah, i finally reached level 41 with my "main" in wow. my main, for those keeping score at home (or at work, where ever you may be keeping said score) is a night elf druid with a concentration in healing and distance attacks.


Journal Journal: Buffer-overflowed Is Teh Cool, Yo 10

so buffer stops by last night after work (hmph, forgot to tell solemn that little detail). he tells me earlier in the day that he managed, after two weeks of looking and wandering the streets of boston on an "epic quest" to find exactly the right thing.

well, a very warm and worn out buffer arrives at our place and fishes out this gift that was unearthed after said epic quest from his new laptop bag which housed the worlds largest freakin laptop i ever done seen.


Journal Journal: A To Mostly Z 5

so i thought the a-z song thing was interesting... so i ran down my own version. i did band names and listed the best songs from said band.

why? i dunno. *sigh*

Agnostic Front - Strength
i'm referring to the live version (from "live at cbgb" which was recorded about 15 years ago). this is a great song, and roger dedicates the song to "all the straight edge kids." nice. very nice.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Under-estimate 9

ever get tired of being under-estimated?

do you ever get tired of under-estimating? do you even know you do it?

i'm sick of being under-estimated. yeah, for whatever reason i seem to project an image (via poor self esteem, trained, whatever) of being under-capable - which, i think, contributes to a person's desire? ability? to under-estimate my capability in something.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Java HTML Renderer Question 6

first a little background. the project site that i run, it catalogs links (provided by users) and every night there's a batch process that runs, it queries the database and builds a lucene index (which is then searched on the front end).

anyway, something i want to incorporate is the ability for the indexing engine, to go out to a URL its processing and render the URL it gets as an image (i.e. png or jpg). much like how alexa does it.


Journal Journal: OMG!!! Chocolate Cake!!111oneeleven!!1 4

solemn made probably the best chocolate cake, evar!!!
a petit four with strawberry jam and chocolate frosting... seven layers! count 'em! seven!

wow, i've never had anything quite this amazingly chocolaty yummy than this.

anyway, we spent a good part of the day walking around quincy market looking at trinkets and what not, and just generally trying to enjoy the day.

User Journal

Journal Journal: l00t! 13

tomorrow is my 33rd birthday. or the 10th aniversary of my 23rd birthday.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Why Do Record Labels Suck? 18

i get an email from a friend this morning, an old friend. we used to play in this band back in the early/mid 90's. we got signed to a small-nothing label based in detroit. they put out our record, it sold as well as to be expected, never saw a dime from it, the label kinda fizzled away into more obscurity.

fast forward to about a year ago... the label starts making a comeback.

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