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Comment Re:Features are priority #1 (Score 1) 227

And yet you are required to have homeowners or renters insurance to have a house/apt. By your logic, if your domicile never gets burgled or burns to the ground then all that money you are paying for insurance is money wasted.

Security systems of any kind are reactionary, they only act if Something Bad happens first. In other words, you don't WANT to actually use your security system or insurance, you just want them available and standing by to mitigate any damage that comes from whatever Bad Thing happened to disrupt your home.

You may consider that money wasted but when you compare the cost of insurance or a security system against the cost of a home invasion or fire you are actually saving money. It's all about measured and accepted risk. If you truly believe that money is wasted then don't pay for it; just don't come crying to me when your house burns down and your have no way to rebuild or pay off the bank loan on the pile of ashes you used to call a house.

Comment Re:Uh... okay (Score 1) 607

How many people check the cert fingerprint? If the rogue cert has the a good root CA signature then most browsers will likely not flag it and that is probably as far as most users go towards verifying their SSL traffic is not being snarfed by a MITM attack.

Comment Re:International Dickwaving. (Score 1) 227

So War really is Peace then? Suddenly it all makes sense!

1. Unify a broad coalition of groups that ordinarily hate one another against a common external foe (that would be us).
2. Keep them pissed off at common foe long enough for regional grievances to subside (figure a few generations for complete effect)
3. ...
4. PROFIT!!!

Comment Re:Childish (Score 1) 227

Because we have been meddling in their internal affairs for the last 70 years.

How would you feel if some jerkwad (the USA) from across town inserted themselves into a dispute between you and your immediate neighbors (the Middle East)? What business do they have intervening in matters internal to your neighborhood? Now factor in the fact that the neighborhood douchebag (Israel) is said jerkwad's cousin and gets special perks and considerations because of it. Now how would you feel about the jerkwad from across town?

Personally I would resent their actions, see them as an intrusion into my autonomy and want them the fuck out of my affairs. I imagine that most folks in the Middle East take a similar point of view towards the US.

Submission + - Parted Magic Silently Goes Commercial 2

someSnarkyBastard writes: Users of the popular disk management toolkit Parted Magic may have noticed a disturbing change of late on the sites download page: a "Buy Now" button. Users are now required to pay $4.99 USD to download a copy of the latest disk image. To add insult to injury, the site's link to Source Forge for old files is now monetized by AdFly banners. Parted Magic is comprised mostly of various OSS tools (ClamAV, Clonezilla, GParted, Firefox ,etc.) so is this legally in line with GPL?

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