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Comment Re:Ya pretty much (Score 1) 299

Sound like some Talibanesque fanatic speaking.

I once had a FOSS idiot try to outgun me on a project where I was using Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, and Illustrator and he was trying to push some Linux crap to produce some print things. I did the work in a 3rd of the time and the quality was better and there were no issues with passing things on to external printers and other pros. In print production I use Linux, MAc and Windows in my workflow all the time. Just because the program is written by a team in a corporate office does make it evil.

Guess who made the money in the end? Hint: Not the FOSS fanatic idiot.

The price of good tools is irrelevant if they increase your productivity with 3000%

And before you try to accuse me of being a GUI freak, I produce Word files on a regular basis with XSL scripts from the command line.

Comment Re:Why not just multiple monitors. (Score 1) 520

I sort of tend to agree. At work I have 2 19 inch monitors (and the laptop's display) and at home I have a 24 inch. 2 19 inchers are waaay better than 1 24, especially if you use a program like Moom that can switch windows around with hotkeys.

I often work with 2 24 inch monitors at home and I think a 3 monitor setup with 19-24-19 would be my ideal candidate.

But, again, with moom, which can also move windows to specific places on screen maybe a 4K display might be nice. Hmmm.

Comment Re:Lie a little (Score 1) 629

Not only is it easier to read, it is also much more composable. It is MUCH easier to compose multiple conditions with a

(x in (select id from ...) and (y in (select id from ...) sort of thin than to build a query from a join. This is especially useful if you have some GUI with a query facility where users sometimes build their own queries.

Composability and the ability to plug together components is a very important part of maintainability in software.

Comment Re:Control... (Score 1) 926

This. This. This.

This is why I always find the idea of Star Wars and other Scifi where the average joe has a space ship that can fly through the galaxy to be ludicrous. A spaceship that can do that must have the power of several large thermonuclear weapons somewhere to power it. Probably orders of magnitude more in fact. That sort of power in the hands of Han Solo who is a space-ship mechanic who just takes his spanner to his unstable ship? What happens when he turns into some bad-ass? Or when he simply screws up? Spaceport and surrounding parts goes up in smoke together with a few million people.
And we worry about the stability of nuclear power plants?!!

This is also why I think people like Freeman Dyson who proclaim the era of biological hacking has arrived to be extremely disturbing. Biological agents have the ability to replicate themselves by taking energy from the organisms they host. If Mr Dyson thinks that this is a good idea in the hands of some religious psychopaths I begin to doubt his sanity.

Comment Re:drowned (Score 1) 125

Well, Sun was in the "giving stuff away" business and now they are not in business anymore and Oracle still is.

Bankruptcy happens when you get in less money than you spend and you cannot pay your people anymore.
Should the Sun enigneers stay and work for handouts to keep the Java community happy? Out of altruism?

Who knows, Maybe Uncle Larry was right after all.

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