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The Internet

Journal Journal: Rogue's Gallery 13

A buddy of mine just sent me this page. It's a huge gallery of people who have contributed to the evolution of the Internet, and hacker culture.

People range from Lary Wall to Taran King.

Really cool.


Journal Journal: Hosed. 9

WWdN is moving to a new server, and it looks like the textads database didn't get moved with the rest of the site.

I was gonna put up The Moose, but it looks like my shell access has been temporraily suspended, too.

So until that gets taken care of, my site will be nice and hosed, and readers will have to get their internet pr0n fix elsewhere.


Journal Journal: New @ WWdN 28

People ask me all the time if I'll link their site, or if I'll link a site they think is cool, or something like that.

Some other people occasionally send me 10 bucks or so to offset the costs of keeping the website up and running.

So I figured, whynot marry the two?

Texads are now available on WWdN. I get about 500,000 unique visitors a month, and this test ad I've been running has done almost 900 pageviews in less than 45 minutes.


Journal Journal: I'm off to OSCon! 18

On Thursday, I'll be at the OSCon up in Portland. I'll be mostly running around, getting my geek on, but I'm also dong a couple of organized book signing events.

  1. Thursday, 1:00pm: book-signing at the convention bookstore in the exhibit hall.
  2. Thursday night, 7:00-9:00pm: book-signing at Powell's Technical Books.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Updated the GeekCode 21

Very exciting moment for me tonight: I updated my geekcode.

I even updated it using the geekcode generator, installed using fink on my iBook, running in an X11 terminal window.

Then I got it into my Red Hat machine using the iBook's webserver.


Here it is:


Journal Journal: Woo-hoo!! My books are here!! 14


This morning, UPS arrived with a shipment of 366 copies of Dancing Barefoot from my printer! I nearly cried when I opened the first box, and saw "By Wil Wheaton" right on the cover.

My wife took pictures, which I'm debating putting up, because I have major bed head. :-)

I feel so good, and so excited about this. I started packing orders right away, and we completed 100 before I had to leave for a meeting.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Baleeted. 27

I had this entry about being upset. Well, it was just a bunch of stupid whining, that I probably should have just kept to myself.

So I deleted it.

I wrote about being upset because of some ACs. Well, that's bullshit, and I need to own up to it. This feeling of being upset . . . it has nothing to do with ACs. And focusing on that crap just takes away from the positive comments and joy of being published. That's stupid on my part.


Journal Journal: From the Stage to the Page 20

A few days ago, I sent the corrected proof of my first book (which is really my second, but I'm releasing them out of order) Dancing Barefoot back to my printer. This means that I'll have a final proof in a couple of days, and the book should be ready for sale somewhere around the second week of May. More details, including where you can get it, when I actually have copies to ship.

Here's the copy that goes on the back cover:


Journal Journal: A 1974 review of D&D 26

Boing Boing pointed me to this 1974 review of the "new" Dungeons and Dragons game.

Some highlights: D&D was subtitled "Rules for Fantastic Medieval Wargams Campaigns Playable with Paper and Pencil and Miniature Figures."

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Return of the son of the mailbag! 123

Because I so enjoy sharing the brilliant emails I get, I present to you:

"How Sad."

Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 20:50:16 -0600


Journal Journal: I have an audition for I, Robot. 53

I have an audition to play a robot in the upcoming Fox picture I, Robot. I have read that the script isn't an actual adaptation of Asimov's book, nor is it the brilliant script Harlan Ellison wrote so long ago.

However, the sides that I have for my call on Thursday are straight out of I, Robot. In the scene, a detective questions a robot who was caught fleeing the scene of his master's death. Sound familiar?


Journal Journal: Why I quit G4 81

Back in summer, Travis Oates and I quit our jobs hosting "Arena" on G4.

Since then, I have been overwhelmed with emails from people, wanting to know why we quit.

It's a long story, but here's a very short version:

The producer I was working with was, in my opinion, an amateur. Horribly unprofessional, he treated me and my partner with shocking contempt and disrespect.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: One more look into the mailbag 21

. . . and then, from time to time, something comes through that makes me laugh so hard my sides hurt.

From: "Willie WheatonisaLoser"
Date: Mon Dec 9, 2002 21:28:38 US/Pacific
Subject: Unbelievable.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
