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Journal CleverNickName's Journal: From the Stage to the Page 20

A few days ago, I sent the corrected proof of my first book (which is really my second, but I'm releasing them out of order) Dancing Barefoot back to my printer. This means that I'll have a final proof in a couple of days, and the book should be ready for sale somewhere around the second week of May. More details, including where you can get it, when I actually have copies to ship.

Here's the copy that goes on the back cover:

"There are five stories, spanning 30 years, between these covers. Some of them are funny, one is pretty damn sentimental, but they are all true. I wrote them shortly after my 30th birthday, as I looked to my past in an attempt to understand my present, and not fear my future."
                                                                                                        -Wil Wheaton

Houses in Motion - Memories fill the emptiness left within a childhood home, and saying goodbye brings them to life.

Ready Or Not Here I Come - A game of hide-n-seek with the kids works as a time machine, taking Wil on a tour of the hiding and seeking of years gone by.

Inferno - Two 15-year-olds pass in the night leaving behind pleasant memories and a perfumed Car Wars Deluxe Edition Box Set.

We Close Our Eyes - A few beautiful moments spent dancing in the rain.

The Saga of SpongeBob VegasPants - A story of love, hate, laughter and the acceptance of all things Trek.

Some product details:

Size: 8.5x5.5
Length: 106 pages.
ISBN: 0-9741160-0-9
Price: USD 12.95

Each story is illustrated by Ben Claasen III, who did the "Klingon Convention Trauma" and "Wil Has A Posse" images in the Cafe Press store.

More observant or longtime readers of WWdN will recognize the titles as some blog entries, and wonder why they would want to buy the book.

This is a good question, and here's my good answer: Because!


There are several reasons that I think you'd want this, even if you've already read the stories in the blog: it's illustrated, and they are AWESOME! The stories have all been rewritten, and fleshed out. Working with an editor, and getting feedback from many people has made the stories richer and more evocative. I've matured as a writer since I first penned them, and it shows.

But the biggest reason to get it is this: The Saga of SpongeBob Vega$ Pants is finally concluded! The story that I kept promising to finish has been totally rewritten (I think it's AWESOME now), and includes a retelling of the very first time I met WILLIAM FUCKING SHATNER on the set of Star Trek V.

Initially, I wasn't that excited about this book. I just thought of it as something to fill the space between now and when Just A Geek is finished. I thought that maybe it could help generate interest in JAG too . . . but I've become very proud of it all on its own.

It is my first effort. I wish you would like it.

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From the Stage to the Page

Comments Filter:
  • Haven't seen a /. journal entry from you in quite a while, and then you bring us news about a book! I love books.

    I hope it will sell really good. So, any ideas when your first book will be in print? :)

  • I'm sure lots of your fans (/. type, not the other type:) are drooling over more Trekkie goodness. As for me... I want to hear any story that includes Car Wars Deluxe Edition. It took me quite a while to get the Deluxe Edition, as I started out with the plastic boxed sets. That was a great sized package.

    • Ohmigod black Car Wars plastic boxes with the satisfying snap when closed! I haven't thought of those in years!

      Didn't Ogre and GEV get released that way at some point too?
      • All Steve Jackson games had either the black snap closing case, or the plastic baggies. The only thing I didn't like about the original car wars was having to cut all those little counters out. Somewhere, I've still got a couple of baggies full of them. Then there were my friends who had to spend an hour picking the right counter (usually just so that I could frag them in about 4 seconds of game play:)

        I never had Convoy:(, but I did have Midville, Car Wars, and Truck Stop. And somewhere, I have a complete
  • Who's your printer?

    Still editing the passive voice you pointed out in Robotboy.

    And yes, nice to see you back.
  • Long time no see. At least as far as /. goes. Life finally slowing down enough to post something?
  • Man, the top of /.'s homepage is just full of goodies tonight.

    Now if there was only some way of combining the wonderful Moderator Points and Wil's book info...

  • I knew there was more than one reason i was a fan of yours.
    • Heh.

      I owned the black plastic version, then got the turning key from ADQ (to which I had a subscription, thank you very much). I had a complete set of Uncle Albert's -- most of them are still in a box at my parent's house, I think (hope).

      I still have all my original stuff, including my Awful Green Things in a green box, Ogre, GEV, about 30 GURPS books . . . christ, I was the freakin' poster child for SJG.

      My friend Andrew is an editor on the new version, which is fun for n00bs, but doesn't hold the same u
      • My personal SJG memory is Illuminati Deluxe Edition. There is something about the old game that Illuminati New World Order just lacks. Of course the "Weird turn pro" card is almost enough to redeem NWO by itself.
        • NWO is teh suXx0rz.

          I LOVE Illuminati deluxe edition. I think it's my favorite game of all time. Especially if you play it with every single illimunati card, and I get to be Bavaria.

          Or the gnomes. Gotta love the gnomes.

          All hail discordia!!
          • I LOVE Illuminati deluxe edition. I think it's my favorite game of all time. Especially if you play it with every single illimunati card, and I get to be Bavaria

            Or the gnomes. Gotta love the gnomes.

            No you DO NOT get to be the Gnomes or Bavaria!

            We would often not let anyone be either of these groups due to the massive abuse a clever player can do with them. Besides a game with Discordia, Cthulu, The Assassins, and The UFO's can be quite entertaining.
        • FYI.

          SJ Games rereleased Illuminati Deluxe Edition recently -- new pictures on the cards -- money that doesn't fly around the table as if powered by The Force with every move of the hand. A few cards have been changed to protect the innocent, but all in all its the same game.

          My wife bought me the new Deluxe Illuminati for Christmas last year -- never had it before -- just the black pocketbox version.
      • You do that... I only *wish* I still had my copy - and I only had one GURPS rulebook we were busy playing Twilight 2000, heh... but I recall using Micro Machines instead of the one inch car counters quite a bit. Every once in a while I think I've 'outgrown' something only to realize that I've only just lost track of it a little.
  • C'mon this is slashdot.. who reads paper anymore. I need digital!!!!!!!!11111
  • Damned Javascript sucks and I could not zoom in on (or even see for that matter) the T-Shirt Drawing for "Klingon Convention Trauma"

    So here is a direct link to "Klingon Convention Trauma" []
    I had not seen it before and laughed, muchly.

"What if" is a trademark of Hewlett Packard, so stop using it in your sentences without permission, or risk being sued.
