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Comment Re:Global Climate != Local Climate (Score 1) 385

Some of you seem to think that some of us are here to educate you, and have nothing better to do than to search the Internet all day long for 'peer reviewed University studies' or whatever the fuck it is you seem to expect, to back up comments we make, which you decide to term as 'arguments', which, subsequent to someone being dumb enough to waste the time to do so, will all be shot down as 'not from a credible source', or whatever idiotic reasons you have to perpetuate whatever idiotic arguments you're trying to perpetuate, which is probably the closest thing to sexual intercourse you ever experience in your pathetic, useless lives. Ironically anyone who blindly participates in that cycle of stupidity and continues to feed your neuroses is even more fucked-up than you are, of course. The fact of the matter is that, for some of you, arguing for no good reason at all on the Internet is, apparently, the only meaningful thing in your pathetic, useless little lives, and I'm using the term 'meaningful' in only the loosest context imaginable. If you don't like my comments, then so far as I'm concerned you can shove it up your ass and sing the Star Spangled Banner in falsetto while standing on one foot in the middle of Time Square in protest, for all I care, it's not going to change anything, and no amount of pedantic nit-picking will change a goddamned thing I think, say, or do, and I'll continue to scoff at, mock, and point-and-laugh at idiots like you and the other troll (although likely you're the same idiot) ad infinitum. Does that make you angry? Are you balling your hands up into little fists? Spraying your monitor with spittle? Banging your keyboard with your fists? Good.

Comment Re: Global Climate != Local Climate (Score 1) 385

Let's see here: First, I called you no names, even if I did (rightly) accuse you of being a climate-change denier. Next, you start using highschool debate-team terminology like 'strawman' on me. Next you accuse me of being religious when I'm clearly not. Yep, you're just another idiot troll. Please go back to your containment unit (4chan or equivalent) and stay there, or we'll have to use the hose on you again until you learn to keep your place. I'd suggest you grow up, stop spending so much time with your grade-school-level trolling on the internet, it's just a waste of time, kid, go get an education and a job and do something useful with your life, k?

Comment Sounds crazy because it is (Score 3, Interesting) 183

Unless you're the company selling the idea in the first place. What it sounds like to me is expensive and pointless. Isn't asphalt reusable? Scoop it up, reheat it, pave with it again? By all means have someone start cleaning up the oceans and recycling all the plastic waste out there, but not this way.

Comment Re:Global Climate != Local Climate (Score 1) 385

You're joking, right? Because if you're not then you either need to clean your glasses, or need to get glasses, or maybe you need to go to the pet store, get yourself a dog, and name him (or her) 'Clue' -- so you'll always have one. I live in California, where we're dealing with the worst drought in at least 100 years, and you're actually sitting there telling me "..none of the weather we are seeing in the last decade is exceptional"? Not the only example even from just the continental U.S. of weird weather.

Comment Re:Global Climate != Local Climate (Score 2) 385

I think it's hard to convince human-related climate change sceptics within this situation.

There's more total energy in the entire system, therefore there are more extremes of weather. Just because some fraction of the entire system was colder does not mean that everything, everywhere was colder, too, and anyone that claims that just because they had blizzards all winter where they live that there can't be 'global warming' is just plain not being very smart.

Comment Re:Windows is a means to your apps (Score 1) 628

..hardware that ships with an older version of Windows..

Implying that I'm part of the group that ever buys a commercially-built computer with pre-installed OS and software on it in the first place.. and if I had to for some reason, Job #1 would be to wipe the HDD completely and install the OS from scratch, according to my specs, and before anyone says it: If for some reason I was prevented in that case by the manufacturer from doing exactly that, then I'd be boxing the thing back up and returning it for a full refund.

Comment Re:No worries (Score 1) 628

This. I'd be surprised if Windows Update isn't just a Service like versions before it, and as such you can Disable it entirely. Even if it won't directly allow you to Disable it, there's hacking the registry. If they lock you out of the registry too, then one has to wonder why you'd even have this version of Windows in the first place. If you can't have 100% control over the hardware you own then what's the point of even having it?

Comment Re:also vaccines (Score 1) 446

If you're actually trying to tell me that I should be OK with some asshole corporation like Monsanto, who only cares about their profits, inserting insect DNA into my food, then all I can say is either you're being paid by them, or you just don't realize what you're saying. I don't believe that there has been anywhere near enough testing done before they rush GMO foods to market, and we may all pay dearly for that in the long run. Seriously: How many pharmaceuticals have been rushed through all their clinical trials and whatnot, only to find that a percentage of people were dying from it's use? How many pharmaceuticals have been pulled from the market somewhere down the road because of things like that? How is this, really, any different? Other than the fact that if there are serious malevolent effects because the gengineering was done badly, that the consequences could very well be global in scale?

Comment Re:also vaccines (Score 1) 446

I just want everyone to be absolutely clear where I stand on this:

The concept of GMO food is not inherently bad. What concerns me is the implementation, and to be more specific, the testing involved. Companies like Monsanto rush these things to market in order to get the quickest and highest ROI they possibly can. What I would consider adequate testing over an adequate period of time has not been done. Meanwhile GMO DNA is already incorporated into the biosphere of the entire planet due to cross-pollination; if there is something that will be harmful in GMO foods, it's probably already way too late to do anything about it, but that doesn't mean I'm going to throw up my hands and say "Oh, well!" and start gobbling the stuff down on purpose, either. Additionally, you can't really sit there and say you believe Monsanto (and companies like them) have nothing but the best interests of the Human Race in mind with their products, or that they haven't been caught doing highly questionable things in the past. So, to reiterate: GMO not intrinsically bad, but what's already out there might be bad, and we won't know for decades (and if so then there's probably not much we can do about it). You can't expect me to be happy about any of this.

Oh, and a word regarding traditional hybridization: Not the same thing at all -- because it's not like farmers, historically, were somehow incorporating insect DNA into their crops, which, I believe, is what was done with GMO tomatoes.

Comment Re:This legislation brought to you by.. (Score 0, Troll) 446

There's been evidence.. but you can't find it now, because the independent labs that did the research were bought out by Monsanto, closed down, and the evidence buried. I'd imagine that now they proactively buy out anyone who has anything negative to show the world, and shuts them down before they can even tell anyone what they're finding.

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