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Comment Re:Ridiculous. (Score 1) 914

Haven't seen it so for but thought I would add...

The Eighth Amendment (Amendment VIII) to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights (ratified December 15, 1791[1]) prohibiting the federal government from imposing excessive bail, excessive fines or cruel and unusual punishments, including torture. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that this amendment's Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause also applies to the states. The phrases in this amendment originated in the English Bill of Rights of 1689.

Comment Re:Life extension is bad (Score 1) 384

Let's assume for the discussion that 'life extension' means retaining a good percentage of a person's mental and physical capacity during this extra time...
From an economic standpoint, raising and educating a person to adulthood is very resource intensive and risky. If a person reaches adulthood and is provably productive, doesn't it make sense that extending their lifespan adds value to society?

Comment Re:Change is good (Score 2) 248

I don't think anyone is arguing money can't be made with hardware- just that pursuing both software and hardware systems is difficult and fraught with risks.

Look at Apple's wild swings.... I don't really have an opinion on Apple but I certainly think they could be very profitable or not 5 years from now.

Comment Re:Mischaracterization of problem (Score 1) 231

Music is completely based on math- 'A' an octave lower than concert pitch A440 is 220hz, and the cycle of 5ths designate the various keys.

You seem to be confusing musical skill with musicianship. Musical skill simply means mastery over the tonal qualities(tempo, intonation, intensity etc) of an instrument. It is completely measurable and there is software that does this.

Musicianship OTOH is completely subjective- many musicians are criticized for being skilled but boring or uninspiring to listen to.

I would encourage giving "Gödel, Escher, Bach" by by Douglas Hofstadter a look if you are interested in the debate.

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