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Comment Re:plagiarism (Score 1) 113

if it were my summary I would definitely attribute it to somebody else, because it makes absolutely no sense.

Right. It makes no sense precisely because it is NOT in any way a summary, which would take a few moments' effort to write. It's just a copy and paste of the first few sentences of the article.

"But what about when Yahoo,, TMZ and other busy destination sites heave disaster upon visitors?" what does the rest of the summary mean?

Exactly. The article goes on to explain that. A summary would at least give some idea. The copy & paste of the first few sentences, cut off at an arbitrary point, totally leaves you hanging.

Comment Re:Now I understand her record at HP (Score 4, Interesting) 353

As I see it, the serious candidates in the Republican party are (in no particular order): 1 Marco Rubio (experience: over ten years in congress, can win elections).

You're wrong about Rubio's having "over ten years in congress". Rubio did serve several terms in the Florida State House of Representatives, but he has never been a US Representative and is still a first term senator, having been elected in 2010. He's about as qualified as Obama was when Obama won the Presidency. He's probably unelectable thanks to some stupid moves he's made -- he voted against the Violence Against Women Act.

2 Scott Walker (experience: Governor, smashing unions and winning hard political fights)

George W. Bush used to say "I'm a uniter, not a divider." Scott Walker is his opposite, which leads me to think that he is not electable. Walker is still in his first term and he dropped out of college, which is a big negative (in my view). He was only one semester short of a degree, but he's never bothered to finish? Something's not quite right there.

3 Chris Christy (experience: Governor, reaches across the aisle, achieves Republican goals in a Democratic state).

Christy is a corrupt New Jersey politician. The question is whether or not that corruption will catch up to him before the election. I think it will.

IMHO, Republican primary voters appear incapable of recognizing competency. There are several good Republican Governors out there, but they're not on anybody's radar screen. The Governor of New Mexico is one -- she's in her second term, has apparently done a good job because she has very high public opinion poll ratings, and she happens to be a hispanic woman.... but few people outside of NM (and its neighboring states) have ever heard of her.

Comment Crooks Ignore Email and use Text Messages Instead! (Score 4, Interesting) 306

Crooked politicians & public officials may receive email, but their actual communication is done by text messages... because they usually can hide their text messages from freedom of information act requests.

Here's an example: In Georgia, fired Dekalb County School System Superintendent Cheryl Atkinson did all her business via text messages:

WSB-TV: Lawsuit raises concerns about DeKalb Schools corruption (Dec. 4, 2012)/

According to the article, the school district was willing to give 12 people their jobs back if the attorney withdrew an open records request for a copy of Superintendent Cheryl Atkinson's text messages.

Comment Re:This validates the US policy... (Score 1) 737

Indeed. Moreover, regardless how depressive the pilot is in the cockpit, he will be way less tempted to perform such a silly suicide action with someone just close to him. We're not talking about a jack-bauer style terrorist here. Quite the opposite actually.

I wouldn't jump to any conclusion quite yet. I've know people who were depressed, even known ones who were suicidal, and none of them would ever want to take 150 other people, mostly strangers, with them. OTOH, I've seen a pretty outwardly-normal-seeming person have a psychotic break, and I can tell you, in that state, all bets based on prior behavior are off... (In fact, changing the subject, I've wondered if Darren Wilson's hard-to-believe description of his encounter with Michael Brown indicates that Brown had a psychotic break. Rare in the real world, but also somewhat concentrated in males his age, and consistent with the very very strange behavior claimed...)

Comment Re:Check their work or check the summary? (Score 1) 486

It's stupid if you're benchmarking relative efficiency -- it's not an efficient implementation (and you'll have no trouble finding explanations for why the Python and Java code they wrote, while simpler, is not efficient).

I think we're talking at cross-purposes. When I said "not actually that stupid" I was referring to the implementation of String as immutable and highly-efficient to share cross threads, and implicitly including that there's StringBuilder for more-efficient building-up of strings. That design is not stupid.

I certainly did not mean that the benchmark or paper were "not actually that stupid". The benchmark was just ridiculously bad, and the paper utterly stupid. As some other poster said, showing that reallocating a string a million times and appending a single character each time is slower than writing a million characters into a buffer, that's literally a high-school level paper--I think I'd add that it's C-level (haha) high school work.

Comment Re:Let them sell cake (Score 1) 886

While a business shouldn't be allowed to not serve a segment of society, a business shouldn't be forced to contribute to something to which they object (on any grounds, but religious grounds for this argument). So while a bakery should have to sell a pre-made cake/cookie/whatever to any customer that walks in, it shouldn't have to make a cake promoting...

Although you wouldn't know it from my comment to which you are replying, I actually do agree with that. As soon as you force once bakery to provide a custom cake for a gay wedding, you open the door to the neo-Nazi who was offended when a bakery refused to inscribe a birthday cake for his little boy, whose first name is "Adolph" and middle name is "Hitler". (BTW, in case you missed it when it was news, I didn't make up that example, it actually happened.)

Comment Re:Do It, it worked in AZ (Score 4, Insightful) 886

Doing business with whomever one wants, while denying to do so to others on whatever whim, is a fundamental tenet of freedom

That bullshit argument was rejected pretty soundly 50 years ago. It is reasonable in limited circumstances, for businesses which can only deal with a very limited range of customers. It is not considered reasonable for any business which claims to be open to the public--we decided long ago that you're either open to the public or you're not. You cannot be open to the public except for women; you cannot be open to the public except for blacks or latinos. Etc.

Comment Re:Check their work or check the summary? (Score 1) 486

Not at all. If you wrote your C in memory string handling as stupidly as they wrote the Python and Java you will still get worse performance in C (e.g. each iteration malloc a new string and then strcpy and strcat into it, and free the old string; compared to buffered file writes you'll lose). It's about failing to understand how to write efficient code, not about which language you chose.

It's not actually that stupid, FYI. It's a tradeoff, and the advantage of doing it this way is greatly reduced locking when you have multiple threads and the possibility of strings being shared between threads.

Of course, the paper about which this article refers, is still garbage ;-)

Comment Re:Compared to my electric radiator? (Score 1) 160

This sounds beyond useless. Going by my Mac Pro tower, and my $30 electric radiator: Mac Pro, expensive, never really gets all that warm, did almost nothing to warm up my room, draws more power. Electric Oil Filled Radiator, Wicked cheap, warms my room nicely enough, draws less power them my Mac Pro.

So, care to guess where the power drawn by the Mac Pro goes to?

A tiny, really tiny, amount to a power LED and a little to a fan. The rest winds up as heat. You know, that pesky conservation of energy thingie. If the Mac Pro actually drew more power (which it certainly does not), then it would also put out more heat.

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