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Comment Re:Steel is stronger than carbon in many instances (Score 1) 262

In order for friction to destroy steel, it needs to actually wear it away one particle at a time. Being so much heavier/denser, there are that many more particles to wear away.

Or, you know, heat it up so much that it starts to melt. That's a real possibility for this application. A previous poster suggested rheostatic brakes (basically regenerative braking, where the electricity is dumped into a big resistor instead of being stored for later use). It would add weight and complexity, but if regular brake disks can't dissipate the energy fast enough, then something like that might be necessary.

Comment Re:SpaceX isn't ready (Score 1) 272

Just don't spend a single fucking dime of my tax dollars

From your other post:

But if you want to keep on being a typical arrogant American cocksucker, who thinks your shit doesn't stink and everything with a fucking American flag on it must be the GREATEST GODDAMNED THING IN THE FUCKING WORLD, then be my guest. Just don't be surprised when everyone who isn't American spits on you when they find out where you're from.

I guess that makes you a "typical arrogant American cocksucker"?

Comment Re:Not as good a field of view (Score 1) 496

So it will paint a box on the image, showing you how your car lines up with anything next to it, just like reverse cameras usually do. The car could also have a range-finder built into the camera pod, or whatever, to look for and warn the driver of fast approaching vehicles in adjacent lanes. That would pretty much eliminate the need for 3d.

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