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Comment Re:Wow, just wow... (Score 1) 531

Amazon, Azure, and Google are not going anywhere. Sure, a handful of small guys make take their stuff out of the cloud, but the big guys do not need to worry. Do you really think the government would put campaign contributions at risk by pulling this kind of shit with a Fortune 1000 company with the means to fight and put up a stink? Most people will never be aware of this issue.

Comment Re:It will win soon (Score 1) 151

Tell self driving car to head to the local big box store and wait in the loading bay until it receives the latest toy that I ordered online

I know Americans are stupid about using their cars for every trip whether it makes sense to drive or not, but sending your car to pick up a box instead of letting the FedEx truck do it is absolutely retarded.

Comment Re:Of course, that's -not- what the article says (Score 1) 420

I am enraged. And I keep voting for people who would change this. But they keep losing. By vast margins. By vast enough margins that I know if I take up the sword to fight for my freedom, I will be killed pretty quickly due to being hugely outnumbered. Without being lucky enough to get on a jury, what are we to do?

Comment Re:Of course, that's -not- what the article says (Score 2) 420

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Sadly, the fourth ammendment does not cover explicitly cover your fields.

Also sadly, the government and the voters seem to think that spending taxpayer money on cameras and police to go after people growing marijuana is a good use of resources. All you can do is get on juries and refuse to convict for non-violent drug-related charges.

Comment Re:Ha, you threaten teacher jobs and see what happ (Score 1) 570

[citation needed]

In the district my taxes go to, teachers start at $39,400, plus salary credits for experience, retirement contributions, 85% medical coverage, and tuition reimbursement. So maybe there are a couple first-year teachers making south of $40k. This is not a good or rich district - below 50% graduation rate and 80+% students on free and reduced lunch.

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