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Comment Re:will be pontless if it sticks (Score 1) 135

We will just see more incompatibly between networks. A lot ilke if you have an unlocked cmda phone today.. Where you going to go other than back to verizon? Each phone will end up with custom firmware, so you are stuck with that carrier.

First of all, Verizon is not the only CDMA carrier in the USA. (Sprint, for example, uses CDMA.) Verizon can't "break" their version of CDMA without making it impossible for non-Verizon subscribers to roam on their network.

Second, many of the phones currently available in the USA support all CDMA and GSM network protocols. Some even support them at all of the frequencies used outside North America, so you can roam in other continents.

Third, many phones from CDMA carriers now come with a removable SIM card, just like GSM phones have for years. I'm not sure, but I think switching carriers may involve modifying the apps and parts of the OS (and would that involve unlocking or even jailbreaking?) However, the most important step is to swap out the SIM card with one from the new carrier, and that has become a lot easier.

Comment Re:National Academy of Sciences Says ... (Score 1) 114

We went from launching our first satellite on January 31st 1958 to landing a man on the Moon on July 20th 1969.

Don't tell me what we can and can't do based on not having the properly trained workforce. We have brilliant people at NASA and America's private space companies.

With all due props to USA-trained contributors to Apollo and its predecessors, it's worth noting that many of the contributors came from outside the USA, particularly from Canada and the United Kingdom.

That said, I agree with your point: you don't need to wait more than a generation to find the talent you need to achieve great things in space.

Comment Re:Reality is... (Score 2) 125

I don't think the concept of single-payer healthcare is a bad one; however I do not believe the current implementation is an effective system that's not designed to bilk average Americans out of money for the benefit of insurance execs and the Congresscritters who love them.

Glad to hear you support a single-payer system. However, the "current implementation" of the ACA is not a single-payer system. It is a government-managed marketplace, with private insurance companies providing the coverage.

If the ACA truly were a single-payer system (like Medicare is) it would be far more effective at protecting average Americans from being bilked by "insurance execs and the Congresscritters who love them."

Comment Re: Pft (Score 5, Informative) 962

Freedom of speech.

Irrelevant in this context.

The first amendment protects you and me from the government. It does not protect you and me from each other.

If a private enterprise (DOTA2, Steam, Origin, whatever) wishes to curtail expression within their own domain, they're perfectly entitled to do so. There are valid exceptions to free-speech protections (e.g., restaurants can't refuse service based or race or sexual orientation of patrons) but none apply to the current discussion.

Comment Re:But its cooler here... (Score 3, Insightful) 552

He does parody stuff, illustrating the logical failings of those who oppose his view

Rush has plenty of, uh, "logical failings" of his own. See below.

All you got to do is go back and read his books and listen to him for a few hours to know that he hasn't changed all that much....

Right, let's talk about his books.

In one, he tells people to stop worrying about the ozone layer because "the Sun makes ozone." A half-truth: yes, the Sun does make ozone, but it can't make it fast enough to overcome the destruction of ozone by CFCs.

Another similar fallacy: he says there are more trees in the USA now than when the first settlers arrived, so stop worrying about trees. I don't know, maybe that's true, but he ignores the fact that we are cutting these trees down at a much higher rate than the settlers ever did. Forestry management is about ensuring rates of growth are higher than rates of depletion, not how many trees you have at any moment.

I agree that Rush hasn't changed all that much. And he's still wrong.

Comment Re: Really now (Score 4, Insightful) 145

Many of the fields of study we now use as the backbone of the modern era started out as mere intellectual curiosities, and often stayed that way for centuries until practical applications were invented. Scientists started seriously studying electricity in the 1600s, but we found few practical uses for it until the late 19th century. The scientists studying theoretical physics and astronomy today are no different than the likes of Michael Faraday, who never created useful inventions from his research in electricity.

This in spades.

One of my favorite Michael Faraday stories (of which there are variants) is a visit to his lab by Prime Minister Robert Peel, during which Peel asked "what use is electricity?" Faraday replied "what use is a new-born baby?"

Comment Re:now you lose even more money on bc (Score 1) 73

I think we agree (mostly.)

Note that I was referring to "a fluid economy with lots of buyers and sellers to encourage fairness." I didn't mean that liquidity leads to fairness, rather that fairness can flourish only in an environment of liquidity, i.e., one with numerous players who aspire to fairness, but who are motivated to pursue it by the presence of their fellow players.

To put it another way, even the noblest among us can be corrupted, but it's harder to succumb to such corruption when others are watching and keeping us honest.

Comment Re:now you lose even more money on bc (Score 1) 73

Your post is insightful and deserves modding up. However, I respectfully disagree with you and AC on whether Bitcoins have value. I claim they do.

IANAE, but it's my understanding that the intrinsic value of money is determined by what a buyer and a seller agree it's worth as payment for something, in a fluid economy with lots of buyers and sellers to encourage fairness. The Bitcoin network provides an infrastructure for transactions in such an economy. But without Bitcoins, you can't participate in it. So, I would say Bitcoins do have value, and they have that value because of the existence of the Bitcoin network. But to say that the network itself has the value in question is to overload the definition of value. At the risk of misusing terms of economics (again, IANAE) I'd say the network has utility (because it offers satisfaction in the use of Bitcoins) but not value.

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