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Comment Re: Fuck 'em (Score 4, Insightful) 204

this is starting to tread onto the batshit insane territory now! seriously? make your own roads? make your own bridges using "basic geometry and a few wood/metal shop classes"? and lets not even get started about the military protection that you think only consists of guns and "a few home-rigged explosives"?

Comment Re:Day 16 in Linux Mint (Score 1) 289

there's a couple of problems that i've not yet figured out how to solve. one, it can't hibernate. i think its a consequence of using wubi/mubi to install mint and it can't be helped. two, it can't sleep/wake as well! earlier builds used to be able to sleep. not this one. it sleeps ok, but can't wake. three, the bluetooth works sometimes, and doesn't work on other times. i haven't been able to figure out a pattern so haven't been able to solve this.

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