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Comment Re:Why should Lenovo support their main competitor (Score 1) 125

I don't know why you have this weird agenda of insisting that any Linux on the desktop (that isn't ChromeOS) needs to remain a niche. You yourself cited FOSS desktop applications as something that people use, and that it doesn't matter what OS they use. It seems like either you're emotionally invested in being anti-Linux or you're just being difficult for the sake of it.

You have GIMP, LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, Pidgin, Skype, Dropbox, VLC, Spotify, and an ever-increasing number of games offered through Steam. People who use those applications are not a 'niche'.

I don't know what your damage is, but you should get over yourself.

Comment Re:Why should Lenovo support their main competitor (Score 1) 125

We've had decades of being able to install other linux distros but ultimately there is no compelling reason to do so for the general populace because even when Windows changes Linux distros are still an unfamiliar environment but they don't run all your programs...

Which is a problem that isn't at all solved by using ChromeOS or Android.

Comment Re:Why should Lenovo support their main competitor (Score 1) 125

sure you could have yet another Linux distribution but what would that achieve?

Just to have something pre-installed on the computer that the manufacturer has enough control over to make sure there are drivers for whatever hardware is attached. You're right that people care less and less about the OS itself, but there still needs to be an OS.

And again, it doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense to say, "Suggesting that people use Linux is dumb. They can just use Android or buy a Chromebook!" That's still Linux. If I want all the functionality of Chrome OS and a couple other more conventional applications (e.g. GIMP, LibreOffice), then it makes more sense to just install something more like Ubuntu. So the point is, it would be trivial for a company like HP to take Ubuntu, include drivers for their own hardware, and brand it however they want. If they buyer doesn't care about applications available exclusively for OSX/Windows, then it'll probably do everything they need.

Comment Re:No public drug use (Score 1) 474

There is a difference between the various substances and how they're perceived. All misinformation included, there are certain "absolutes". Seeking the thrill is something you'll do with stuff like psychedelics and stimulants. MJ, MDMA, LSD, various othre three-to-six-letter chemicals. Sure, some say they're harmful, some say they might be dangerous, but "I know what I'm doing".

Crack and Heroin or insane shit like Krok is a different matter. You don't reach for that for a thrill. When you're going down that road, you know that you don't come back. And you really don't plan to.

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