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Comment Re:So how far are you willing to go? (Score 1) 1051

You need to put the vaccine in the lentils and wheatgerm and that demographic is taken care of. Don't get me wrong here I am vaccinated and I discovered when I received Hep B vaccinations that I cannot create antibodies for Hepatitis B. I think that essentially means Hep B will kill me or at least make me very ill. That fact still will not make me agree that force should be used to vaccinate the unwilling. I suspect that with all the vaccinations and 'molly-codlling' that the weak are being allowed to survive and even prosper and that cannot have good ramifications for the future human race.

Comment Re:What the hell is wrong with Millennials?! (Score 1) 465

I had a friend many years ago that was shot by police. He was shot in the heart and he still managed to cross the distance between himself and the cop before he fell. If he had managed to stay functional for another five seconds he would have managed to seriously damage if not kill the cop.

Comment Re:So how far are you willing to go? (Score 1) 1051

You're damn right i'd be alright with forcing people to be vaccinated, i'd hold them down myself.

I hope you would be OK with said person trying to or succeeding in killing you. If you attempted to force me into doing something against my will then I would defend myself and so would many others. You are a fscking ####

Comment Re:Here we go again... (Score 1) 1051

It amazes me that they think the anti-vaxxers are nuts. People are citing Michigan where only the vaccinated have gotten sick. I also believe that a whistleblower has come forward regarding autism being caused in the African-American community being left out of drug company funded studies. I have no intention of looking up any of this information for the vaccine enthusiasts as it is very easy to find and BTW I am vaccinated.

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