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Comment That's assuming a low percentage of bs (Score 1) 286

Let's start out by saying I have grown children. 15 or so years ago, you could meet people. Now.... not so much.

Half a dozen years or so ago, I went on several sites, including craiglist and match. I said that I was looking for someone *over* 40.

And I got... a bunch of responses, claiming to be from women who were allegedly between 21 and 26. And claiming they'd read my profile.

Right. I think I found *one* woman who actually existed, and went on a date or two. The rest... as I said, in annoyance, to several, "no, you're not; you're a fat 47 yr old guy claiming to be a hot woman, the kind you'd like to date, but who will never give you a first glance, and you're trying to make money out of this. Unfuck off.

                    mark "and added them to my killfile"

Comment Re:Bogus patent... (Score 1) 128

Simply put, VR headsets (displays mounted in such a way as to be placed in front of a person's eyes) have been visualized and built for decades.

Sure, but that's not what's being patented here. What's being patented here is a frame that you can slot an existing mobile device into to be used as a headset, where the headset detects the insertion and notifies the phone to switch to VR mode. That's not something that has been built for decades.

Lawnmower Man anyone?

Lawnmower Man didn't include a device like this. This is not a patent on any and all VR displays, it's a patent on a specific type of frame for mobile devices.

Comment A few modest proposals (Score 1) 389

First, the company that replaces you with automation pays your unemployment until you get another job, not just for 20 weeks. If that means you're still looking when you retire, that's how many years they pay. Certainly, unemployment is *vastly* cheaper than salaries (and all you asshole libertarians that wouldn't touch it, let me tell you that a dozen years ago, I was getting the max in IL... which was about $400/wk.; before getting laid off, I'd been making a *lot* more than that).

Second, how 'bout, since stocks and dividends are *so* great... how 'bout the company, along with their taxes, signs over to the government voting shares, and pays dividends; enough of that, and we can have a reverse income tax.

THAT would solve the problem in a real long-term manner.

Now, what you'd do with all that free time, other than play video games and couch potato, is another story.


Comment Then there's warranty & support.... (Score 1) 190

Or, lack thereof. We only have three Suns left, and we do our best to convince people not to buy any more. Their default warranties are short, as opposed to Dell's and HP's; dealing with their tech support I refer to as self-abuse (I once spent a month to get a tech out to replace a motherboard, and that includes being assigned an engineer in Chile (I'm in the States), an engineer in the States... who was third shift *only*, and, oh, yes, three days in a row, three separate managers "taking ownership" when I escalated the issue.

As a comparison, Dell, after me running tests for them, had a tech out in 2 weeks, and the *one* manager who took ownership... about three or four months later, we had an issue on another system, and that *same* manager still felt ownership, and contacted *me* to see if I needed more help.

Overpriced, and not worth paying for Larry's fighter jet and Hawaiian island.


Comment Maybe becuase google's marketing skewed its search (Score 1) 271

It's been about five years since I've noticed google going downhill - more and more, rather than signal, I get noise in the search results, and that is what it's all about.

1. The companies who pay for sponsored ads are clearly wasting money, when I search for one thing, and explicitly try to filter out
            some of the alternatives that they put in... and get, both in search results and sponsored ads the thing I'm filtering. For example,
            I look for, linux parted -windows, and the third or fourth hit, in the visible paragraph, is talking explicitly about windows. Or the
            time, about a year and a half ago, I was looking for men's high leather boots -womens -ladies, and saw a sponsored ad where
            the text read real leather women's boots....

2. They've taken away some of the search tools - I assume you have to be logged in just to use them? - and still ignore
              things I say I don't want. Why, for example, if I want English results, do I see *anything* that is, presumably, either
              Asian or Hindi?

3. Finally, when I add quotes - and they respect them (which is not always the case), I simply don't believe that I get no results
            for some searches

                mark, trying to find something as good as google was five years ago

Comment Re:Already legal? (Score 1) 157

I thought reverse engineering the server protocol was perfectly legal.

In theory, yes. In practice, the DMCA can be used to squash interoperable implementations. Look at bnetd, for example. Despite it being a completely separate implementation of the protocol, Blizzard used the DMCA to successfully sue the project maintainers.

Comment Call. A. Lawyer. (Score 1) 224

I have a friend. Back when he was building a house, he was fighting the bank for the mortgage. His mom was co-signing... and some moron at the bank (can't remember if it was Wells Fargo or BoA) emailed ALL THEIR DEPOSIT records, with account info, to them in an email.

They got a lawyer. The bank paid 100% to a) change all of their accounts, b) all costs incurred by them to make changes elsewhere.

Call a lawyer. I mean, do you actually *trust* banks (look up "Great Recession", 2008, subpriime lending....)


Comment Why one-time? (Score 1) 825

Since the GOP wants to unbalance the budget anyway, to "shrink" government, and won't raise taxes for what the government is *supposed* to be doing, why not do it right, and make it a permanent tax. Certainly, we've needed massive infrastructure work since St. Ronnie - a report from engineers, back in the '80's, said half our bridges and dams needed work, and damn little's been done since - and this would help, as well as giving people steady, decent incomes (which helps both government revenue in taxes, and the rest of the economy).

But the unenlightened self-interested libertarians here will freak out....


Comment What? (Score 0) 120

Although Apple has never officially acknowledged issues surrounding Yosemite and Wi-Fi connectivity, the company is clearly aware of the problem: Leading off the improvements offered in the update 10.10.2 update released Tuesday was 'resolves an issue that might cause Wi-Fi to disconnect,' according to the release notes.

So basically, you said that Apple haven't acknowledged the problem, then quoted them acknowledging the problem?

Comment Re:If it ain't broke... (Score 1) 288

It is broke though. Look at the SendFile bug, for example. It's been there for years, it bites a tonne of people who try to virtualise web servers, and there has been seemingly no attempt whatsoever to fix it. Its kernel drivers on OS X and Linux aren't particularly stable either.

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