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Comment Bullshit reason (Score 1, Informative) 349

Someone at MS is just pulling this out of their asses to try and cover that Microsoft has no clue what they are doing.

So they were able to easily query the code for a few thousand applications online that made this version check mistake. Big deal.

Compare this to how many applications out that that have broken because of other minor OS changes combined with bad programming. I've seen piles of that myself, and Microsoft never bothered this hard to keep compatibility for any of those.

Comment Welcome to "Windows Can't Count Edition" (Score 4, Insightful) 399

I'm guessing it was a decision made at an executive management retreat. And alcohol was involved.

If you recall, they wanted to get on the "rapid release" train, and Windows "8.1" was probably supposed to be Windows 9. But, you know, that pesky reality and all. So now they think they can catch up just by bumping the number.

The real problem here is that Microsoft has run out of anything useful to add to their OS. So now they are running around in circles trying to find ways to take things away, or fuck things up so people think they need yet another version.

Honestly, bumping it to "10" makes no sense whatsoever. If they wanted to give it some weird alternative fancy name like "Selenium Edition", ":P", "Xista", or whatever, that would at least make some sense. But this is just... stupid.

All "Windows 10" tells me is that they can't count, and we shouldn't count on Microsoft.

For now I am going to call it "Windows Can't Count Edition".

Comment Closed source projects die slow deaths too (Score 1) 112

the ease with which projects can be allowed to die â" often without any clear cut time of death.

And that doesn't happen with closed source projects? Sure it does, you just don't hear about it when some PHB slowly takes a group of developers and has them put everything on the back burner for some pet project. Then years pass, the old project isn't officially dead, but nothing has gotten done. On and off new business requirements are analyzed, and eventually a mysterious mandate from far higher up comes down to re-write everything in "HTML5" or whatever the current buzzword is.

Comment Completely ignores bad specs... (Score 4, Insightful) 116

consider that in the future they may be wanting to wire you up just to make sure you aren't a source of bugs

While completely ignoring that the specs handed down from the higher-ups are gibberish, contradictory, and physically impossible garbage. But, you know, that is not a possible source of bugs now is it?

Someone should first wire up management to zap them every time they get an idea for a "brilliant" addition.

Comment Re:keep calm everyone.... (Score 4, Informative) 183

Ebola, while a horrible deadly disease is not the doom and gloom its being made out to be

You wouldn't know that listening to the idiotic TV news. They seriously have been playing it as if everyone in the US is at grave risk of dropping dead from this.

The threats made against that second infected doctor being brought back to the US were almost certainly a direct result of the media's irresponsible reporting.

Despite all their condescending scaremongering, there is simply zero realistic risk to the US general public.

Comment Secret new facebook image compression method! (Score 1) 129

Here is how their new compression method works. It reduces all images down to a single one or zero. If the bit read in is one, it display a picture of a cat. If it is zero, it displays a picture of Peter Griffin farting. And as a bonus, if no bit can be read, it displays the goatsex guy.


Utility Wants $17,500 Refund After Failure To Scrub Negative Search Results 110

mpicpp Points out this story about Seattle City Light's anger over negative search results and its inability to get them removed. Seattle's publicly-owned electrical utility, City Light, is now demanding a refund for the $17,500 that it paid to Brand.com in a botched effort to boost the online reputation of its highly-paid chief executive, Jorge Carrasco. Brand.com "enhances online branding and clears negatives by blanketing search results with positive content" in an attempt to counteract unwanted search engine results. City Light signed a contract with the company in October 2013 and extended it in February 2014. The contracts authorized payments of up to $47,500. Hamilton said that he first raised the issue of the utility's online reputation when he was interviewing for the chief of staff job in early 2013. "All I saw were negative stories about storms, outages and pay increases and I raised it as a concern during that interview," he said. "And then after I started, [CEO Jorge Carrasco] and I discussed what we could do to more accurately represent the utility and what the utility is all about, because we didn't feel it was well represented online." Thus, the Brand.com contract. City Light says that it only ever thought Brand.com would help it place legitimate material in legitimate outlets—talking up some of the positive changes that have taken place at City Light during Carrasco's tenure. Instead, it appears to have received mostly bogus blog posts.

Comment Re:One switch to rule them all? (Score 2) 681

Can they also put a switch in this to make Office usable? I can't stand that fucking ribbon interface that makes everything I used to do the most often 5 times more difficult.

I'll second that. (They could just offer an additional normal menu bar like the Mac version) It is their reluctance to back off of this and several other past design mistakes that makes me surprised they would even consider backing down from their Windows 8 Metro stuff.

Comment But, will they learn from their mistake? (Score 1) 681

While it is nice to see Microsoft undo a horrific mistake for once, lets not be too quick to forgive and forget. (And don't even start until the gold release of Windows 9 is sitting on user's desktops)

The fact that Microsoft created this monster in the first place should tell you something about the remaining competence level there. You should be worried about their long-term stability. What is to keep them from pulling a similar stunt on you in Windows 10?

Comment ID's NeXT hard drive images? (Score 1) 100

It is great to see more of ID's early work opened up.

A while back there was even some talk about releasing the hard drive images from some of their NeXT computers used to create DOOM. http://serverfault.com/questio...

I wonder if anything will come of that? It would be doubly awesome right about now because the NeXT emulator "Previous" has gotten far along enough where it can actually boot to a 68K NeXTSTEP desktop!

Comment Re:Sounds like IT incompetence (Score 1) 564

That is a nice story, and if true you got lucky that it was a small company and your boss probably knew your actual competency level.

In most places when stuff like this happens, your bosses' bosses' boss will want blood, and a nice firing will happen no matter what.

Protip: if anyone ever find themselves on the short end of this stick, don't grovel to keep your job. If possible, don't even discuss what happened. Remind them of your strengths, experience, what you can continue to contribute, and why they hired you in the first place. It won't make any difference if they already have their minds made up they want blood, but you will feel better about it.

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