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Comment Re:Regulation Strikes again (Score 2) 194

"1980: General Motors implements a proprietary interface and protocol for testing of the Engine Control Module (ECM) on the vehicle assembly line. The 'assembly line diagnostic link' (ALDL) protocol communicates at 160 bit/s Implemented on California vehicles for the 1980 model year, and the rest of the United States in 1981. The only available function for the owner is "Blinky Codes" that transmit the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) with the blinking pattern of the "Check Engine" (MIL) light."

Submission + - Politicians are supporting Comcast's TWC merger with ghostwritten letters (

stox writes: "Yet Wood’s letter made one key omission: Neither Wood nor anyone representing Roswell’s residents wrote his letter to the FCC. Instead, a vice president of external affairs at Comcast authored the missive word for word in Mayor Wood's voice. According to email correspondence obtained through a public records request, the Republican mayor’s office apparently added one sign-off sentence and his signature to the corporate PR document, then sent it to federal regulators on the official letterhead of Roswell, Georgia."

Comment Oh please! (Score 1) 224

Are you suggesting that we let a bunch of pinko commie academics decide what to study with public money instead? By using funding from the Mars Corporation, research is channeled into what is important to more of us. Lets be honest, far more of our lives revolve around chocolate than they do the tse tse fly of of Northen Tanzania.

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