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Comment Re:Why is the school involved? (Score 2) 323

Was any of this done on school grounds or using school equipment? From what I read it was all done at their homes.

The school has absolutely no business mediating online shenanigans, or really anything at all that happens off school grounds that don't directly affect the school. That's a massive slippery slope and them compelling him to make a statement is now a legal problem for him and his parents.

We have courts and police for this stuff. Schools need to be focused on what happens on school grounds.

Comment Re:Too be fair... (Score 1) 280

I it all depends on the context, really. Was it a large majority of the populace that acted or felt that way or was it a bunch of local thugs? Did they announce their intent beforehand or just show up unannounced so the people had no idea what the intent was?

I guess my point is that I'm not going to write off whole populations of people because the actions of a few. There are and always will be risks in dealing in tribal areas that have been used and abuse for centuries. Maybe better organization and security could mitigate the dangers? I don't know, but I have a feeling the answer is yes.

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