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Comment Re:Required vaccine? (Score 1) 178

Alcohol? Great as long as you don't drive, don't urinate in public or start a drunken brawl.
Drugs? Great as long as you don't end up sitting in the ER on public dollars, or don't go on a lunatic stabbing rampage.
Smoke is probably the worst of the lot in terms of the number of people it affects. It smells foul (opinion) and it's bad for your health just being in the same room or general vicinity as someone who's doing it (fact).

Did you type that with a straight face? The sociological and economic impact from alcohol and drug abuse is so massive and ubiquitous it's pretty much impossible to be quantified.

What you are saying is: "I'm ok with these things when I remove the horrific aspects of them, but not with smoking."

There's like a million arrests per year for DUI (just the people who get caught), but let's focus on that terrible smoker doing things that you don't like.

Comment Re:Once upon a time (Score 1) 165

"And nobody found it problematic back then."

Umm yea, people did they just couldn't conceive of a better solution until wireless came around.

Wired phones weren't found problematic and now people scoff at the thought of using such barbaric technology.

Comment Re:Not just self-employed.. (Score 1) 450

That's a good question. I would think it wouldn't be a large percentage.

Sure like 50% of Americans have 401k's etc, but actual capital gains/losses? I would guess that number is pretty low and probably a large part of the development for the software since it can be so complex versus your straight 1040a/ez filer.

Comment Spirit? (Score 1) 448

Is exactly the type of "nickle and dime you to death" he is speaking of. You have to pay for baggage, seat choice, etc, etc. Just because there are worse things doesn't make spirit a good example. Their seats are abysmal and they are champions of the race to the bottom.

Comment And new regulations... (Score 1) 161 to prevent that nonsense. It's not a perfect system but the good thing is that there is a regulatory body that can fix the bad parts (if it wants to by choice or by will of the people).

With bitcoin it's "love it or leave it".

Sure you can say bitcoin is not the problem it's the businesses handling them but when the defacto standard is amass and implode it's a symptom of bitcoin because other currencies don't seem to have that issue.

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