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Comment Impressive? (Score 1) 110

Isn't this just taking two existing technologies and bolting them together? Asking seriously because that's what it seems like to my know-nothing self.

Find the place that's fired when the left finger is pressed and then via the internet tell the TMS to fire on the region in that person that will cause the finger to flex.

Comment Uhhhh (Score 1) 588

That's not the way I have ever seen it work. Usually as part of the hiring/on-boarding process they will instruct you to go (usually immediately) and get a test. I have never heard of them waiting 30 days from any point to test you. The whole point is the element of surprise from what I have seen.

I actually know someone who had a job offer rescinded because they misunderstood and waited a couple days before going to take the test.

Drug testing is another one of those things that has been perverted by lawyers and insurance companies. Most employers could care less what you do in your off time.

Comment Walmart. (Score 1) 631

This should be dead in the water but walmart customers have proven they do not care about anything more than saving a buck. If they incentivize its use, because they are saving so much from credit/debit transaction fees, I could see it taking off there. Just a fraction of their customers using it would give it mainstream status and other stores will start doing the same to compete.

Yes people educated about the flaws in the payment method see it as a terrible idea and not use it. People who will abandon their local stores, who offer their employees (neighbors) a livable wage, and drive 10 miles to a circus of terrible people, underpaid employees, and terrible customer service to save 5-10% have already sold their soul so this is just another benefit from the walmart to them.

I wouldn't care but I hate to see good ideas get shelved for bad ideas. Whoever can get the biggest userbase first is going to win ultimately and I can see walmart doing that easily.

Comment Re:Why is the school involved? (Score 2) 323

Was any of this done on school grounds or using school equipment? From what I read it was all done at their homes.

The school has absolutely no business mediating online shenanigans, or really anything at all that happens off school grounds that don't directly affect the school. That's a massive slippery slope and them compelling him to make a statement is now a legal problem for him and his parents.

We have courts and police for this stuff. Schools need to be focused on what happens on school grounds.

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