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Comment DRM?! (Score 0) 337

I don't get it.

Netflix has aged content, at least in my country it was 2-3 seasons behind, no one will rip that.

Pirates don't rip streaming media but Blurry discs or something of higher quality.
Regular users download their stuff if not using a service like this.

You lock out a lot of users/platforms denting bottom line.

They might be worried that people will "copy" the stuff when viewing for later viewing without subscription?
Again, you have much better/higher quality sources for this type of behavior


Comment Re:On a ZX Spectrum (Score 1) 623

When I was two years old in 1982, my father purchaced the spectrum as he figured that computers would be important in the future.
He even soldered on a proper keyboard instead of the crappy rubber keys that came with it.

I started programming on this by typing in the symbols from a computer magazine that listed the basic code when I was around 4-5. Since all basic syntax had it's own key it was not too hard. The reward was a game that sometimes worked and sometimes was a bust.

I later learned real programming with the C64 and later on Pascal, assembly and C on DOS.

Comment Re:ZFS (Score 1) 268

Works fine here.
I have zfs root + refind on my laptop and grub2 + zfs root on my desktop with ssd cache drives. Works like a charm. It eats a bit of ram though :)

Just added a couple repositories to arch and build a new usb stick with zfs included.
Instructions here:

The only backdraw is that I have to wait for the zfs repository to update whenever arch releases a new kernel. Usually it takes 1-2 days so it's not too bad.
Also, keep in mind that you can not offload the ZIL to another (ssd) drive for the root zpool so make sure you make a separate pool for the root and one with all the rest /usr, /home, /var etc.
You can add cache ssd drives to the root pool though.
Offloading ZIL (log) speeds up the writes and cache drives speeds up the reads.

Once you go zfs you don't go back as the possibilities are endless ;)

Comment Re:Objective-C nil (Score 1) 156

Ugh, this really sounds like the way SAS responds when you try to access a field that doesn't exist. It will just create it and initialize it to missing value.

I'm sure the objc solution is creating a _lot_ more bugs than it "fixes".

Comment Take them to court (Score 0) 562

If you can prove that you have used substantially less than they claim and cut you off.
As a side note: why the hell would anyone go with a plan with data caps?
A 100 mbit fiber connection with no caps at all is around $100 a month here, if i drop to 60 mbit it costs $50. I think there are about 10 providers in this area competing with DSL, cable and fiber.

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