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Comment Re:Other civilisation may not be mamals (Score 1) 686

They won't mammals, but also not reptiles, insects, birds, amphibia, fishes or anything else we know. Because, those are the things that happened to evolve on our particular planet, but what would evolve on another planet could be anything randomly different and probably would have a completely different path where different terminology than "mammal" and "reptile" would be needed.

Comment Re:Paging Lawrence Fishburn (Score 1) 267

I've never seen The Core, but saw its trailer just now. What I wonder is this:

They say they can't make the core start spinning again because it's so big and requires so much force. That makes sense to me. What doesn't make sense to me, is that they did manage to stop it, which would cost the exact same energy. Why was stopping easy and starting not? Really stupid...

Comment Spheres (Score 1) 53

Interesting... first I thought molecules indeed looked like a bunch of spheres, just like in the drawings.

Then I realized that since an atoms location is more like a statistical function than an actual position, that molecules probably look nothing like those drawings in reality.

But now here's a photo of a molecule and it looks like a bunch of spheres? Who would have thought!

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