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Comment Re:Morons ... (Score 4, Interesting) 190

If he has any brains, simply send every time there is "discovery" the same sheet of paper proving he has had it for 15 years.

You can tell the plaintiffs lawyers to go fuck them selves over and over and over again.

I have actually used the words "go fuck yourself" in response to a lawyers letter.

Lawyers hate being called out as the spineless slime they are.

Comment Re:And ticket prices? (Score 4, Insightful) 117

American corporations will instead do the following.

Get a government grant for the coatings, claim the actual full purchase price at full retail as the cost and pass that cost to ticket buyers.

Use the 5% fuel savings as a ,"we are saving the planet.... see? SEE?" advertising campaign.

Also add the costs of the advertising to the ticket prices.

Profits go up an additional 75%, claim they need more government subsidies.

Comment Re:Fucking Lawyers (Score 3, Interesting) 181

That would be sufficient to make the APIs stop working. Perhaps you should think again about what information is required and copyrightable.

I think that this decision may mean that Google will need to do something like alphabetize the API. (Customized organization can be copyrighted, but alphabetical order can't.)

Comment My solution is better. (Score 1) 70

Root and install a blocking hosts file.

  Bethesda proved that ad's on free games is only for complete crap games. Fallout shelter has ZERO ad's ZERO nags, and they are making money hand over fist with it.

So if your app has ad's, it's a strong sign that it's a complete crap app.

Luckily 99% of all free apps are trash, so I dont use them, the ones that are worth buying, I buy.

Comment Yes. (Score -1, Redundant) 517

Most of the updates with windows actually slows it down quite a bit. Windows 7 at release is fast on a core 2 duo. Today it needs a quad i7 at 3.6ghz or faster and a SSD drive to be as fast as the initial release.

Windows XP was the same, clean release install was fast as hell install SP3 and it becomes dog slow.

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