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Comment This has to stop or... (Score 1) 185

...we as consumers need an updated and ironclad consumer protection act, period. These companies have us over a barrel and there is virtually nothing we can do about it. IP tracking, cell phone records, OnStar tracking and marketing of consumer data where will it stop? More importantly, if it doesn't stop which is a very real likelyhood, where will it lead? Technology finally, if it hasn't already, is showing it's ugly face.

Comment Wait for it... (Score 4, Insightful) 327 civil liberties are becomeing an endangered species if you question authority, impead the operations of businesses, or criticize your elected officials. I never thought it would come to this in this country. Isn't it sad that the pent up frustration and anti-establishment from the 60's generation (the people now in power) has morphed into this?

Comment Tolerance (Score 1) 112

I am a firm believer that when we came up with the concept of zero tolerance we were in trouble. Life is shades of grey; some more white, some more black never just black nor white. If we lose the ability to take care of ourselves, we lose our ability of self determination a.k.a freedom. We are in trouble...

Comment Some of us... (Score 4, Insightful) 207

...are relegated to tethered phones for internet access where we are so rural as to not have a choice other than satellite and they have similar restrictions. I am not on AT&T but I thought about writing my carrier's (the big V) CEO and issuing a challenge. Go a month with your "surfing habits" with only a tethered phone and your data service plan. No cheating now, tell me if you think it is fair, usable, and how far you get while on the web before you hit your limit. It doesn't take long trust me. Even then I cut back on what I do with it. Being a systems professional, it's not unheard of to download a MS Partner ISO, or a linux distro from time to time, but now if I did that it would either kill my data allotment or my pocket book. If you can't handle the data requirements that your product offerings require, don't you think there is a problem there? Oh, and the best that big V will do is 10GB plan at an additional $80 making my monthy bill equivalent to a small car payment. I can drive my phone!

Submission + - Mobile Broadband (Teathering)

U8MyData writes: Anyone like me that is more or less forced off the local telco, cable, or wireless (wifi or private spectrum) and relegated to the wireless phone networks for broadband access pissed off at the rediculous throughput and limited bandwidth? I am tired of paying for advertisers bandwidth when I am forced to watch paid ad after paid ad when I want to just watch a news clip. I'm on Verizon and if I spend anytime at any news site and try and catch up on current events through clips, I get these really nice text messages that I am at 25, 50, 75% of alloted bandwidth when at least half of what I watch is forced ads. I am so tired of having to pay the burden of advertisers or, in a converse way of thinking, why won't the wireless carriers realize it's not necessarily the users sucking up the bandwidth; it's the freaking advertisers/marketers? I don't have a choice right now and I am really conflicted with the current state of affairs. Give us 10 GB rather than 2 then maybe I can tolerate it.

Comment Technology (Score 1) 521

I once told my IT manager, "Just because we can doesn't mean we should." Technology, very unfortunately, has erroded our rights simply because the "government" whether local or not can do these things without accountability or scrutiny. When you do make noises, they justify it by citing public safety, the welfare for women and children, and other politically correct BS. I don't think there is a corner left in life to find some privacy. It won't be log before *everything* you do is logged.

Comment Right (Score 1) 220

They know exactly what they are doing. It's like throttling internet access. I am now living in an area outside conventional broadband. All I have is my verizon android. I have already discovered that my occasional video watching (news sites, youtube, etc) and my mild surfing habits are too much for my 2 GB tethering service. Sure, I could go up to 5 GB but that would add another $30. I think if I call and complain I would be labled a bandwidth abuser and told to go to... Really I don't abuse the internet, I'm just a systems pro and use it more than grandma. It's all about money, forget service outside trying to take customers away from the competitors.

Comment Re:FUD (Score 1) 149

Respectfully I disagree. Judges have a conscience, they have to or should. If not, we are really screwed. They are certainly lawyers at first, but they also have lasting opinions and judgements. I hope they think carefully in the years to come. I hope some read /.

Comment Re:FUD (Score 1) 149

I like to think of it as never too late; it's just harder to recover now I fear. Don't forget something that DID make this country what it was (okay, is) is its resiliency. We need good, honest, straight shooting people in places of power. The problem is if you can't beat them join them mentality on the hill and no actual accountability. These people don't fear us anymore. The elections system is down to a science that the average citizen is basically unable to understand or even influence. The courts are the citizens power base and they have failed too.

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