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Comment Sad (Score 1) 332

It used to be for the "women and chilren" that obsurd things made their way through government. Now it is all in the name of "National Security". Fear is a powerful motivator and they know it. Just because they can, they will...

Comment Caution please (Score 1) 79

The faster we can move data is in some way connected to how fast life moves in every respect. There is a point when "cool" is truly a four letter word. Not that I am arguing against it, it's just that there is a similar arguments within the AI industry. In more and more ways our achievements are outstripping out ability to deal with the consequences.

Comment Jist say no (Score 1) 478

Let's just stop watching altogether! We are already subject to endless commercial leaders on the internet, overbearing radio commercials and now this. We cn take back the power by exercising our right/choice not to watch. Ass soon ad the ad revenue dries up, so will this crap. And another thing, get the hell out of my house!

Submission + - In Vietnam, US relies on pirate site to network (

hessian writes: "It's a wildly popular website laden with unlicensed songs and Hollywood movies, a prime exhibit of the digital piracy that is strangling the music industry in Asia and eroding legitimate online sales around the world.

The free-to-download bonanza has pushed Vietnam's into the ranks of the globe's top 550 websites. But a few clicks inside the site reveal a surprising presence: the U.S. government, which maintains a bustling social media account there."

Comment Tolerance (Score 1) 1160

Okay, so what is next? You question authority and you are fined or worse jailed? Listen, freedom of speech is fundamental to the tolerance that is required. As a global community we are never, or at least for the time period most of us, our children and their children are around, going to agree on everything, share *exact* beliefs, or practice the same religious exercises. That's one of the key elements of the American notion of the separation of church and state. I have to say I saw something like this comining since the social notion of Zero Tolerance came about here in the States. In order for things to function correctly you have to allow for a degree of disorder, chaos, mistakes or summed up: TOLERANCE. We are certainly all imprefect and to claim otherwise is simply wrong. I respect my neighbor just as long as they respect me no matter where they come from, what they believe, or what they practice. Further I have a right to disagree, not associate, and not accept any one else's imposition on my structure. In other words, mind your own business. It has worked here for a long time and will continue just as long as we, collectively, refuse to acquiesce.

Comment Your influence (Score 3, Interesting) 612

Mr Woz, Can you characterize your current and perhaps even future influence with Apple? Like many here, we are curious where Apple will go from here now that Mr. Jobs has passed. He was the persona of the Apple brand and without something or someone providing that edge I fear difficult times ahead. I don't need to remind anyone about the recent Maps issues. Where might you fit in to that realm? After all, you are the other half (Ying? or Yang?) of the apple legacy.

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