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Comment Re: Trump's fault (Score -1) 289

When Trump did protectionism, it was bad, wrong and racist. The media told us every day he was dooming us to failure. Biden does it and it's a very important step and not racist at all. Weird, eh. It's almost as if they have a political agenda they're pushing under the guise of impartiality.

Comment Re: Snowden is a hero (Score 0) 151

Russia didn't illegally spy on American citizens in direct defiance of laws passed by Congress telling them not to do so. None of these severe crimes were punished. Nobody is in prison. Some of them work in MSNBC now. All of them are acceptable an DC polite society. But sure, blame the man who exposed them.

Comment Re: a reason to sanction them? (Score -1) 29

It's not that they were riddled with backdoors. It's that they weren't riddled with backdoors. They were secure - to the NSA's spying. Let's not forget that We The People passed a law forbidding them to spy on us, and the NSA committed multiple serious, Republic-ending felonies by breaking this law. Nobody went to jail. The same people are still in power. China isn't the clear and present danger here.

Comment Re: Allied with John The Pedo (Score -1) 66

Podesta the Molesta isn't new. When calling out pedophiles gets people cancelled (like you just did) it's difficult to understand why Democrats don't cast these people out. Associating with known horrid people is the essence of discredited political entities. But now, simply pointing them out means you're a dangerous political radical. Remember when Joe Biden raped Tara Reade and you shrugged?

Comment Re: Just Wait (Score -1, Troll) 187

Just when you think the sneering, bigoted classism can't get any worse, they hit bottom and keep digging. How dare the tastes of the commoners disagree with those of the professional-managerial class! And it's disgusting how our two part time jobs don't allow us enough income to shop for imported cheeses at Whole Foods!

Comment Re:One in the same? (Score -1) 71

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