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Comment As much as I hate drivers who text message... (Score 1) 300

I am sick of the federal government overstepping their power by trying to force states to pass laws or lose funding. This is just like what happened with raising the drinking age. The federal government needs to stop sidestepping the system and let the states make decisions for themselves.

Comment This is total BS... (Score 1) 495

If someone wanted to attack a cellphone network why wouldnÂt they just use a windows mobile phone which you can access the baseband, load custom ROMs, and do super low level programming right out of the box. I mean I unlocked my windows mobile phone for $10 and about 20 minutes of my time, and I didnÂt have to do any quirky and unreliable hacks like unlocking through jailbreaking.

Besides all of this is pretty much moot as the Copyright Office has declared unlocking a phone not to be copyright if someone were to get sued for jailbreaking they could easily just cite that judgement in thier motion to dismiss.

Comment Re:Proprietary Issues (Score 1) 208

It is perfectly legal to do whatever you fucking want with an electronic device you own, at least in most countries.

Never without qualifications. For example:

Microwave radiation.
Basic electrical safety.
Eavesdropping on protected frequencies. {Cell phones][Radar]

There is surely the potential for civil liability:

Your device catches fire and incinerates your cousin's $56,000 daysailer.
You taser-shock your girl friend.
Your faulty navigational display sends your mother-in-law off a cliff.


Ahh gosh darn it, my full proof plan has been foiled!

And the whole tasering thing just sounds kinky.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Free Subscription

I got a free subscription and damn its sweet. I can't believe slashdot gave me a free subscriptions just for being so obsessed with it. I am so shocked that I actually might buy a subscription just to say thank you. I mean all I did was comment, moderate, and read a lot and they gave me a full membership.

Comment Re:And in other news, old man shouts at cloud (Score 1) 600

Honestly Micheal Moore is a pretty massive douche. As a liberal I despise Moore almost as much (if not just as much) as I despire O'Reiley. They are both closed minded idiots that only see one side of the issues.

I am a staunch liberal but I am not afraid of criticizing liberal officials. I also think fiscal conservatism is much better than fiscal liberalism.

Tracking Thieves With 'Find my iPhone' 424

An anonymous reader wrote in to say "A friend of mine who just got an iPhone 3GS and has Mobile Me just used the "Find my iPhone" feature to track down his lost and subsequently stolen iPhone. This story involves three nerds wandering sketchy streets with a MacBook, and ends with a confrontation at a bus stop."

SSN Required To Buy Palm Pre 543

UltraOne writes "Sprint requires your Social Security number in order to run a credit check before they will allow you to open an account, according to a store manager in Silver Spring, MD. Since Sprint is the exclusive carrier for the Palm Pre, if you are not willing to provide an SSN, you can't buy this product. I believe a full credit check for this level of consumer purchase is a clear example of overkill. I have supplied an SSN when buying a house and renting an apartment, but never for any other consumer purchase. I have purchased my cars with cash so far, so I don't have first-hand experience, but a car loan also seems to be an appropriate place to require an SSN for a credit check. At the very least, Sprint should have an alternative for people who don't want to give out their SSN. I also found the entire experience a powerful argument against exclusive license agreements." Read below for details of this reader's experience.

Comment Re:Fairness towards all licensees (Score 1) 131

On the other other hand, Memorex and Imation-branded DVDs have been around for ages, are reasonably popular, and Toshiba chose to wait it out. IANAL, but I remember reading something about asking for retroactive damages when you know full well that infringement is happening, and how that's a bad idea.

The key question is, why do people even bother buying Memorex and Imation branded DVDs?

Comment As much as I hate patents... (Score 2, Interesting) 131

I hate CMC (memorex) even more. Their products are terrible wastes of plastic that would probably be slightly more useful as coasters (which they usually end up being anyways).

Their dual layer DVDs are a joke and your lucky if you get one dvd-dl out of a pack of 20 that works and lasts for more than a month or two.

Even their single layer DVDs are terrible. They only last a month or two.

And the worst part is CMC has a near monopoly on DVDs. I went to compUSA and they didn't have a single non-CMC brand. If you don't know who makes it...its probably CMC. HP, Imation, Memorex, Generic Brands, and now even single layer once holy Verbatims.

If CMC is sued out of existence for not paying Toshiba then they had whats coming to them. They certainly make terrible products that are a sheer joke. Who in their right mind would honestly trust their data on a CMC disc?

Maybe with CMC out of the picture we can actually find Taiyo Yudens in stores. (because lets face whenever you need more DVDs you need them right away and don't feel like waiting for shipping)

Comment Do a (Score 1) 393

RAID 6, RAID cards have really gone down in rpice and you just throw 5 1TB drives together and not worry...

now if you want it to be so backed up that if your house catches in fire your data will be fine, get a couple of 1TB hard drives, put them in $10 external cases, and throw them in a storage locker.

Also as an added bonus if the world ever comes to an end and the whole internet goes down in smolderines you can just take your box of hard drives to the fallout shelter along with a netbook and you will be the guy who keeps our culture alive.

People will discover these lost drives and view world changing films such as Beverly hills chihuahua, wolverine orgins, jumper, and twilight.

You know what ....just throw the drives in acid, we don't want historians looking at those xD

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