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Comment Re:I'm switching to Mac after six ThinkPads (Score 1) 278

1080p display, which is too high a DPI to be comfortable on less than a 15" screen

No. I hate 16:9 just as much as you do, but there's no such thing as "too high" PPI. There is only diminishing benefit and a tradeoff with the grunt required to render the pixels. 1920x1080 isn't excessive until below 9".

Comment Re:What if they had said it was easily crackable? (Score 1) 454

Not really. The fact is, none of the smartphone platforms are open enough or standardized enough to be trusted with data you want to keep secret from the government. It will be a good long time before anything is as secure as a laptop purchased with cash and an alias, encrypted, firewalled off from the public internet, and stored with the power off in a tamper-evident safe.

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