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Comment Now you know the difference (Score 1) 252

Between doing something for the lulz and doing it for profit. The former gives you a slight nod from various interesting parties at Blizzard, the later gets you lawyers so far up your @$$ that you'd better live in a country not known for extraditing citizen to the US to avoid a severe pounding by the penal system.

Comment Heads up @$$3$ (Score 1) 316

Went to see about pre-ordering a Surface Pro 3 today and started by scouring the net, then contact the local Microsoft Store, then contacted online support who then referred me to another Microsoft phone number. The consensus is that none of them know which particular i7 processor the Surface Pro 3 with the i7 option will have, and apparently they are all powerless to use their intelligence to solve problems and find the people who do know the information. I guess Microsoft thinks all i7 processors are created equal when many have a different number of cores, clock speeds, cache, extensions, etc. I think I will hold on to my $2,000 for now.

Comment Re:Translation: (Score 1) 626

Although I don't completely share your sentiment that got old a few years after Cyprus Hill was popular, this does demonstrate an improper self-serving allocation of money seized whether via drugs or speeding. Perhaps only an amount needed to cover EXCESS budget spending for ABNORMAL speeding and drug trends should have been allocated and then the rest allocated towards drug rehabilitation programs, drug awareness, foster care and adoption of children from drug abuse families, traffic fatality education programs, community awareness programs, etc., etc. Having the people who enforce the laws receive the majority benefits is a Bad Idea® all around.

Comment Best thing you can do for yourself (Score 1) 309

Attend a local user meet-up for PHP development. You should easily be able to find one at Meetup. Simply showing your face is a great start, but if you really want visibility to local employers who are hiring, put together and submit a presentation regardless of how basic it may seem. Try not to say "I don't know that" but instead talk like you're interested in learning more but without BS-ing. Most likely the people hiring will have seen a lot more than you have and won't have time for someone who pretends to know things they don't, but will greatly appreciate enthusiasm and an eagerness to learn. Once you start to get to know people and they get to know you, you'll find the type of people you actually want to work for/with and the feeling will be mutual.

Submission + - Should I buy or should I wait?

Dishwasha writes: I am once again in the market for a laptop. The last laptop I purchased was a little over 3 years ago and it has served me well. One mistake I made when I purchased my last laptop is I didn't pay attention that the new up-coming USB 3.0 was almost released, a choice I have since regretted that could not be solved by installing a USB 3.0 ExpressCard (due to the underlying chipset not supporting USB 3.0).

I am aware that the new Skylake architecture will support DDR4 but I find memory improvements to be fairly negligible and Skylake is at least 1.5 years away. Graphics chips will continue to improve, but I am not really looking to do any intensive gaming on this laptop. Are there any other new up-and-coming technologies that I should be on the lookout for that should stay my purchasing hand?

Comment Mass exodus or spin doctor (Score 3, Insightful) 192

What is the best way to construct a compelling story for upper management so they'll appreciate the hard work that an IT department does?

In my many years of experience none of this will ever change until a mass exodus of the IT department occurs and all the unappreciated talent leaves. And even then executives will probably never be able grasp how good they really had it because they'll be in recovery mode for a minimum of the next 3 years.

The only other situation I've seen is when the CTO is a really charismatic guy who can describe the most simplest of task in the most interesting way and can play enough politics so people kiss his butt to make sure he's happy. Then the CTO tells his underlings how appreciated they are by the executives even though they themselves never thought to say so.

Submission + - What would you use as an alternative to walking/jogging/running for commute? 3

Dishwasha writes: I am about to move to a house that is just close enough to a local metro rail station that walking to the metro station and back becomes a compelling option for commuting to work. Based on the city I am in and the location I am moving to, it is not going to be practical to drive in to work, plus it will be possible and advantageous for me to reduce our household to just a single car. On the downside, the amount of walking I will have to do will encompass about 25 minutes of my total daily commute time. I am considering getting a Razor electric scooter which should save me at least 15 minutes daily and will easily fold down to where I can stick it under my seat while riding the metro. This will of course make me stick out like a sore thumb, but isn't the least attractive option either. I'm sure many of you will recommend I get the extra exercise but please rest assured that I am in good health and stay fit, so I am simply looking for a way to improve my commute time. Also riding the bus is a less attractive option from a time standpoint and would increase my total cost of commute.

Are there any other electric solutions that you recommend that would decrease the time to get from my new residence to the nearby local transit system? Something like a Segway will not be practical since it will not reasonably fit on a metro rail. I'm open to anything from a discrete solution to something zany and uber geeky. I would also be interested in hearing what other contraptions or solutions commuters in similar situations are doing instead.

Comment Re:"invest their holdings" (Score 1) 119

Just because the word scientology shares the first four letters of the word does not mean it is or ever was based on science. Regardless that's a troll argument since Scientology is a closed and secret system where as everything related to Bitcoin is publicly available for you to review if you are so inclined (or paranoid).

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