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Submission + - Open source project for anti-terrorism technology

prayag writes: "On November 26th, Indian city of Mumbai was attacked by Islamic terrorist killing nearly 200 people including 35 foreign nationals. Needless to say, the entire country is deeply shocked by this incident. But now that we have come to terms with it, we, a group of a software engineers have decided to something about it in our own small ways. We are looking for technical solutions that can help in anti-terror activities such as surveillance, isolation of communication based devices and so own. I know such projects may well help the terrorists as much as they can help the anti-terror forces but there must be a workaround for it, right? Does anyone has any idea about how to go about it?

Better can anyone point us towards any similar projects?"

Web Browser Programming Blurring the Lines of MVC 303

lkcl tips his in-depth article up at Advogato on the difficulties for the MVC programming model that are introduced by Javascript and AJAX, and solutions for them. He writes: "This article outlines how the MVC concept is made incredibly awkward by the gradual but necessary introduction of Javascript and AJAX. A solution is found in the form of Javascript Compiler Technology such as GWT or Pyjamas (PyPy's JS backend or Rb2Js could be used, with some additional work). The article outlines how and why the traditional MVC patterns are fragmented by Javascript and AJAX, advocating that if a site is programmed purely in a high-level language that is then compiled to Javascript for the Web Browser sections, the same high-level source code can be executed either client-side on the browser, or server-side, or even both, depending on the requirements. The implications of this approach are discussed in depth."

Comment Re:Brain drain? (Score 1) 204

Instead of focusing on who gets which talent why don't we allow the brilliant brains to mix freely.

In these days, an advancement in Technology/Science benefits everyone. Let's not get territorial about it. For ages, India has got its talent drained to USA. But it has helped everyone including India. How do you think we became a technology super-power ?


Microsoft Working On Its Own App Store 195

CWmike writes "Microsoft is working on a software distribution scheme along the lines of Apple's iPhone App Store, CEO Steve Ballmer said yesterday at a developer's conference in Sydney, Australia. 'There's not much money being made, but the general concept of giving developers a way not only to get their code distributed, but to really get visibility for the code, is a good idea,' Ballmer said. Ballmer hinted that something similar would be coming soon from Microsoft. While he said Micrsoft was not ready to detail the works in progress, he said '... fear not, we're hard at work, and you'll see some of the benefits [of that] with some of the concepts, particularly Facebook's.'"

Comment We'll do it (Score 1) 285


So I work in one of the reputed services company based out of New Delhi, India. We have worked on both iphone and Cocoa framework. We are also working on a few of our own Open source projects so we can help you little on that aspect as well. Rest assured that you would retain the full rights of the software.

For more details you can contact me at prayag D0T narula AT gmail DOT com


How Do I Get Open Source Programs Written For Me? 285

An anonymous reader writes "I am a biomedical researcher interested in having general-purpose, scientific programs developed and released as open source. Interface design and reusability of the code are of primary importance to me. For my purpose, Cocoa applications relying on Core Data seem to be the best way to get the job done quickly. While I have some programming experience, I have few connections to the industrial world. So my question to Slashdot readers is: how do I find someone (individual or business) to write high-quality programs? Are there reputable contractors experienced in Cocoa? What sort of rates should I expect, to use as a starting point in negotiations? Would a requirement that programs are released as open source make it more or less difficult to find someone to do the job?"
Portables (Apple)

Submission + - Apple rejects Opera mini from app store

prayag writes: "Apple overlords are at it again. Macrumours reports that Apple has rejected the very popular Opera mini browser from the app store.

Mr. von Tetzchner said that Opera's engineers have developed a version of Opera Mini that can run on an Apple iPhone, but Apple won't let the company release it because it competes with Apple's own Safari browser. Gruber speculates that it could have to do with the Javascript interpreter or, more clearly, that Apple has been restricting apps that compete directly with some of their built in iPhone apps such as Safari.

I love my iPod Touch. But man !! I am getting sick of Apple."


Submission + - MPAA make Real pull out DVD copying software (

prayag writes: "Its basically a bigger evil against a smaller one. BBC reports that 6 major movie studios have been successful in forcing Real Networks to pull out its DVD copying software that allowed its users to copy DVD.

I detest Real Networks, hate its Real Player and proprietary Real Movie format. But this time I am with Real. Hoping against hope that the judge would rule against the MPAA and take back the restraining order."


Microsoft Treating "Windows-Only" As Open Source 383

mjasay writes "The Register is reporting that Microsoft is hosting Windows-only projects on its 'open source project hosting site,' CodePlex. Miguel de Icaza caught and criticized Microsoft for doing this with its Microsoft Extensibility Framework (MEF), licensing it under the Microsoft Limited Permissive License (Ms-LPL), which restricts use of the code to Windows. Microsoft has changed the license for MEF to an OSI-approved license, the Microsoft Public License, but it continues to host a range of other projects under the Ms-LPL. If CodePlex wasn't an 'open source project hosting site,' this wouldn't be a problem. But when Microsoft invokes the 'open source' label, it has a duty to live up to associated expectations and ensure that the code it releases on CodePlex is actually open source. If it doesn't want to do this — if it doesn't want to abide by this most basic principle of open source — then call CodePlex something else and we'll all move on."

AT&T, Verizon To Require Opt-In For User Tracking 59

ehaggis writes "The Washington Post reports that AT&T and Verizon have pledged not to track customers' internet behavior unless given explicit, opt-in permission. The two companies made this commitment in a Congressional hearing. A Verizon vice president is quoted: 'Verizon believes that before a company captures certain Internet-usage data... it should obtain meaningful, affirmative consent from consumers.' The article also mentions a survey quoted by a congressman indicating that '72 percent of Americans worry their online activities are being tracked by companies.'"

After 3 Years, Rockbox 3.0 Released 248

DarkkOne writes "Rockbox version 3.0 is out. Three years in development, it marks the introduction of many new players since the 2.5 release and offers software-based playback allowing audio of nearly any commonly (or uncommonly) used format on a list of MP3 players by Apple, iRiver, Cowon, Archos, Toshiba and Sandisk. Beyond this it is FLOSS, under the GPL v2 license (or later), and includes a variety of plugins such as games and simple apps. 3.0 is the first official release for any players not made by Archos and more or less marks the beginning of a much more regular release cycle for the software."

What To Do Right As a New Programmer? 662

globeadue writes "My company just tagged me for full time App Dev — I've essentially never coded for money, but the last 3 years of support desk gives me the business sense to know the environment I'll be coding for. Now my company will be training me, so I think the technical side of things will be covered, what I'm looking for is best practices, habits I should/shouldn't develop, etc as I take on my new craft."

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