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Comment Re:Warning: DO NOT USE SAMSUNG SSDs IN LINUX SERVE (Score 4, Informative) 195

Since TRIM is a standardized command, SSD vendors either need to support it, or like is done with the format command on IDE drives... do nothing, return a success value.

They do support the TRIM command.

The "bug" is how TRIM and command queuing interact (specifically a race condition labeling the wrong logical sectors RZAT/DRAT) I put "bug" in quotes because the specification specifically says that TRIM is a non-queued command. Windows/NTFS makes sure that the queue is empty before issuing a TRIM. Linux/EXT4 does not.

Ideally the drives should make sure that their queue is empty themselves, but it likely takes a tortured reading of the specification to think that compliant drives will make sure that their queue is empty.

Comment Re:Because... (Score 1) 208

"Folks said that Pocket should have been a bundled add-on that could have been more easily removed entirely from the browser. We tend to agree with that, and fixing that for Pocket and any future partner integrations is one concrete piece of engineering work we need to get done."

Translation: The additional revenue per user from Pocket doesnt make up for the lost revenue due to declining install base from of our other monetization efforts.

Comment Re:Lame duck (Score 1) 211

Remember, before Obama took it over,the conservative Heritage Foundation invented what is now the ACA,

..which makes the Left just as evil as the Right.

Oh you thought that this fact defended the ACA? Since you sit there actively defending evil, we can only conclude one thing: You are evil too.

Comment Re:[T]hings that ... fail: lots of experience at t (Score 1) 211

That you think they're talking points shows that you have no idea what's actually going on with your government.

This isnt quite correct I think. It isnt that he doesnt know whats going on. Its that he doesnt understand the significance of the facts. He only understands the "significance" of the sound-bites that tug on heart-strings. This is the guy that thinks that when it comes to public policy, that "everyone's opinion is of equal worth." Opinion trumps data and facts in his world.

Comment Re:Taxi licenses are crazy expensive (Score 1) 334

So you're arguing against regulatory stability?

You didnt answer his question. The thing is that you refuse to answer because the answer is an embarrassment to your argument. Maybe if you worked on internal consistency, you would be able to face questions that can be proudly answered.

The fact that your argument is not internally consistent makes you wrong. I know that it doesnt feel right to think another way, but feelings dont make your argument right. Internal consistency would.

Comment Re:Basically, you can only spend so much (Score 1) 188

At some point his money is just sitting around, doing nothing.

You are a special kind of ignorant twat. Rich people that let their money just sit around doing nothing are soon to be not rich, which is problem solved from the perspectives of your very weak argument, yet somehow you see the problem being solved as supporting your argument that the problem needs to be solved.

Comment Re:I still don't get this (Score 2) 135

Some people look for reasons to be outraged.

Something to do with NAZI's, gay rights, or slavery is the simplified lazy-mans method of being outraged. As long as everyone is shallow, nobody will notice how simplistic and shallow your outrage is. So in essence the simplistic shallow people pat themselves on the back for being so simplistic and shallow.

Don't see it yet? Go look at just about anyones facebook feed. A bunch of people patting themselves on the back for gay marriage in the U.S. even though 5-nines percent of them did exactly zero to support any gay rights.

Comment Re:alogrithms aren't racist (Score 1) 352

But the people writing the algorithm and choosing the input data *can* be racist. And even in the absence of malice, you can create racist outcomes.

This just in:

Fwipp, who doesnt know shit about machine learning, has decided that deep convolution networks can be cleverly programmed to be racist. Fwipp knows that he doesnt know shit about machine learning, but feels that his expertise in finding racist versions of both bubble sort and hello world qualifies him as an expert here.

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