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Comment Re:Lawsuit requests paid placement (Score 1) 221

If there's a condition in the OHA contract that all devices that ship with Google Play Store and Google Play Services must also murder nuns, Google would be doing something illegal too.

But they aren't doing that.

Making up something that might possibly be in a contract doesn't make it so and doesn't add anything useful to the conversation. Save that shit for your favorite conspiracy theory site.

Comment Re:OK... so the devil is in the details (Score 1) 297

Giving the FAA jurisdiction over frisbees, bows and arrows or toys with propellers is an absurd use of Federal government regulations and a complete waste of resources for them to be trolling You Tube for videos for accidents with toys that didn't actually cause any serious harm.

Except the FAA isn't doing any of those things. The guy who was nearly hit by the drone recovered the video and gave it to the NYPD. The NYPD found the pilot of the drone, arrested him and charged him with reckless endangerment. The FAA only got involved after all that showed up in the news and they're proposing a further fine for the violations that he committed.

The FFA is not trolling YouTube. The only trolling here is your post.

Comment Bennett Haselton isn't very observant (Score 2) 482

Why don't other companies sell similarly-priced goods the same way?

Rent-a-Center, Aaron's, Buddyrents, ColorTyme, Best Way, Rent-2-Own... there are dozens (if not hundreds) of companies that offer rent-to-own deals on virtually everything. They all have the same business model; relatively low payments that add up to ridiculously high prices for things.

The reason it works is simple; people love immediate gratification and will take very bad deals to get stuff now rather than being patient and saving up for it.

Comment Re:HFT has passed the tipping point (Score 2) 303

The whole point of HFT is to jump in and buy a stock when someone else is trying to buy it and resell it to them at a slightly higher price. Without HFT, that someone else would still buy the stock.

HFT has never intentionally provided liquidity to the market. Buying something that has no other buyers is exactly the opposite of what they're trying to do.

Comment Re:Something to do (Score 0) 164

I sign up for emailing lists that I have no interest in, then after awhile remove myself from said lists. Those are just some of the things done.

Congratulations! You have the most boring life I've ever heard of. The sad part is that you seem to be proud of it.

Comment Re:Consumers have no clue... (Score 1, Informative) 96

Toughpad FZ-A1 for my android tablet and a toughbook 31 I carry for work more money in tablet and laptop than most of you have every owned in your car.

A quick search on prices shows that you can get both for about $5k.

Apparently you either think that everyone on /. is working part-time for minimum wage or you think cars are still priced like they were in the 70s. Either way, you sound like a condescending fucktard.

Comment Riiiiight (Score 5, Insightful) 358

Bock also advised, 'You need to be very adaptable, so that you have a baseline skill set that allows you to be a call center operator today and tomorrow be able to interpret MRI scans.'

So, basically, you should be ridiculously highly skilled in multiple specialized fields so that we can hire you and make you take on the work of three to five people for the pay of a single position (or maybe just for the glory of being an intern so that we can pay you even less!).

Comment Re:Sick Society (Score 4, Interesting) 253

Do you and I have the right to piss off management and our bosses? What makes them so special?

You don't seem to understand what tenure is. Tenure doesn't protect teachers from being fired if they act irresponsibly or do not do their job. Tenure only protects the teacher from being fired without just cause.

The case here is really the question of whether allowing a student to build a marshmallow gun powered by compressed air represents just cause. The administration says it is, but they have an axe to grind with the teacher in question because he's also a union representative, etc. (as detailed in other comments)

The suggest that the solution is to just give the administrators the right to fire all teachers without any justification for the firing is idiotic.

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