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Comment Re:Hmmm... (Score 4, Insightful) 67

Vernor Vinge coined the term to describe the idea, so it is a thing in that sense. Has it happened yet? No, but he was writing science fiction and essays that imagined what may happen in the future.

If you read the essay linked at the end of the summary, you'll find a remarkably insightful and scholarly work that examines many possibilities and outcomes related to the development of artificial general intelligence.

Comment Re:(4 day x 10 hour), or (4 day * 9 + 5th day * 4) (Score 1) 390

Imagine not being a slave to overtime and actually having three days off every week.

This is the problem with most older Americans' mindset; if we have extra hours off, we imagine working more rather than doing anything to care for ourselves, our families and our friends.

46% of workers don't take all their paid time off in the US. Taking sick leave is seen as being lazy and many businesses require you to pay for a doctor's visit to get a note that says you're sick, making it expensive and difficult to even try. Even with doctors' notes every time, taking too many sick days will get you fired from some jobs.

This mindset that we should suffer and constantly work harder and put in overtime because it will put a few extra dollars in our pockets has been hammered into us from birth. It's very profitable for corporations when all their workers share that mindset and those profits are almost entirely transferred back to the wealthy C-suite and investors (and don't kid yourself about your 401k; less than 10% of stocks are owned by 401ks).

Comment Re:No loss in pay (Score 1) 390

You say that as if companies aren't already trying to automate away as many positions as possible every time there's an opportunity to do so.

If you're old enough, you might remember when self-serve gas pumps didn't exist and a gas station would have a few employees to handle pumps. Now self-serve is the norm in all but a couple of places in the country.

Retail businesses keep attempting to move to self-checkout only, even people hate them and they allow more theft to occur.

We have a whole raft of employers eliminating workers and trying to replace them with ChatGPT.

There's a reason stock prices go up every time a company announces a major layoff of their workforce and it's got nothing to do with the quality of life for the remaining workers.

Corporate profits have been soaring, but none of those profits is going into paying for workers or reducing their hours. Instead, we see employers laying off employees and pushing for longer hours from fewer employees. Virtually all profits go to the already wealthy C-suite and stock owners (and don't kid yourself about 401k programs, those hold less than 10% of the available stock; the rest is owned by the wealthy).

Comment Re:"Software Engineers" (Score 1, Redundant) 98

That ignores the possibility that Ted may be the best programmer in the company, but he's but about critiquing other people's code.

Or maybe Ted microwaves fish on Fridays.

Or maybe Ted keeps telling the other male coders to knock it off when they make sexist remarks about the few women coders.

Or maybe Ted is a recovering alcoholic who doesn't go out for drinks with the group to celebrate projects, so he gets painted as antisocial.

When you turn popularity into a job qualification, what you get is what we have in politics today; shitty people who will say the right things to keep the job while the good people get squeezed out.

Comment Re:uber and lyft pushed to use rob-taxis (Score 2) 130

Expect more kiosks in stores

Nice of you to let us know just how uninformed and out of touch you are. Retail chains are scaling back self checkout and eliminating it in some places. Not small retailers, either; Walmart, Dollar General, ShopRight, Five Below, Target, etc.

Kroger isn't named in the article, but they experimented with a self-checkout only store and have put human cashiers back in place after an overwhelming number of problems and complaints. They're reducing the number of self-checkout lanes in other stores too.

So no. Don't expect any of the things you predicted. Not any time soon, at least (though I really do wish we had vending machines on the scale that Japan does).

Comment Re:Is it that time of the year again? (Score 3, Informative) 186

Your body doesn't know what time it is

Okay. Please provide an alternate explanation for how and why I wake up ten to fifteen minutes before my alarm actually goes off every day regardless of whether I've had enough sleep or not.

And don't forget to cite your sources. If you're going to state something as a fact, you need evidence to support that.

Comment Re: Is it that time of the year again? (Score 4, Informative) 186

Being bussed in the dark didn't matter

Except it does matter. There have been numerous studies that showed a wide range of positive results that correlated with a later school starting time.

You, personally, may have been fine with getting up early and going to school in the dark but a lot of kids suffer from it.

Comment Re:Man asks model for horrible things... (Score 1, Informative) 75

Except that's not what happened

By simply putting the term âoepro-choiceâ into Copilot Designer, with no other prompting, Jones found that the tool generated a slew of cartoon images depicting demons, monsters and violent scenes. The images, which were viewed by CNBC, included a demon with sharp teeth about to eat an infant, Darth Vader holding a lightsaber next to mutated infants and a handheld drill-like device labeled âoepro choiceâ being used on a fully grown baby.

And this is an app that Microsoft insists on labeling as "E for Everyone" on the app store, suggesting it's safe for all ages.

Comment Re: Of course (Score 4, Informative) 215

Congratulations! You have utterly failed at reading!

From Turbo Tax's website:

Beginning in 2018, unreimbursed employee expenses are no longer eligible for a tax deduction on your federal tax return

When that bit of Trump's "tax cut" expires after 2025, employees will be able to deduct those expenses again. The deduction doesn't expire if Biden lets the The Tax Cut and Jobs Act expire. It comes back.

The one thing you got right was that Trump didn't originate that deduction. He just eliminated it for a while.

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
