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Comment Re:RAID and automated backups (Score 1) 297

While I appreciate the suggestions to use software RAID, and I do prefer the flexibility and recovery of MD or LVM, they are not a panacea. Software RAID doesn't make a glitch in DMA to your multiple AHCI ports not erase your super blocks or write different data to each drive despite configuring the software to use RAID-1. (yuck, it was a real mess)

Ideal would be redundant controllers for each disk, I've worked on such products in the past, but they are too expensive outside of an enterprise environment. And even if you also support live offsite replication (like this product did), you should still do offline backups such as tape. All that fancy stuff just lets you recover from serious issues more quickly, it doesn't completely eliminate the need for backups.

Comment Re:More stupid reporting on SlashDot (Score 1) 192

At least someone here gets it. Even the industrial stuff is pretty much a figurative duct tape that loses support as soon as the last contract expires. And losing support on this stuff is catastrophic because most embedded SW products need persistent maintenance to keep going. I really do think the poor quality is an elaborate plan to for users to upgrade.

Instead of creating a building that stands for centuries or a machine that works reliably for decades, I get to design software for the technological equivalent of underwear. Sure it might look like a cool phone, tablet or game console, but it ain't meant to last.

Comment Re:RAID and automated backups (Score 2) 297

I've had controllers failures on RAID that ended up corruptiong a lot of data despite the drives functioning propertly. So I've switched mainly to tapes. For my home use I managed to get two DAT/DDS drives for a reasonable price and bought a case of tapes, should last me quite some time. My backups are quite small. I don't need to backup my movies, since I already have the DVDs of them. For me 36GB of photos is a few life times worth. And tax pdfs, source code, and various musings tend to compress really well. But obviously these smallish tapes are not a solution for everyone.

Comment Hey Assholes (Score -1, Troll) 192

I paid $520 Billion dollars, that's billion with a 'B', to have the most modern and well equipped military in the world. If you're paying Microsoft to keep Exchange 2003 up to day, I am starting to doubt that I'm getting my money's worth here. Hell, when was the last time you even won a war?

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