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Comment Re:a C++ kernel (Score 1) 335

I can use malloc and free in a kernel. once I've booted up to a certain point. Not a big deal at all.

If I were using C++, I can supply my own new/delete operators. I can even pass parameters to 'new' to set up special attributes.

Now I would never use C++ for a kernel, but memory allocation is not the reason why.

Comment a C++ kernel (Score 3, Interesting) 335

Another refreshing feature of OSv is that is written in C++.
It's been 40 years since Unix was (re)written in C, and the time has
come for something better.
C++ is not about writing super-complex type hierarchies (as some people
might have you believe). Rather, it allowed us to write shorter code
with less boiler-plate repetition and less chances for bugs. It allowed
us to more easily reuse quality code and data structures. And using
newly standardized C++11 features, we were able to write safe concurrent
code with standard language features instead of processor-specific
hacks. And all of this with zero performance overheads - most of C++'s
features, most notably templates, are compile-time features which result
in no run-time overhead compared to C code.

You end up taking the bad with the good. And some features in C++ are worth avoiding when you're outside of a nice big userspace runtime. Like exception handling, especially for classes that use multiple inheritance.

L4 is a microkernel and hypervisor designed specifically to run an OSlib in a virtual environment with very little overhead. It seems to me that some things about L4 are very compatible with visualization, being that most drivers in L4 operate as a virtualized environment rather than a process.

Comment Re:For those of you that don't RTFA... (Score 1) 378

If the journalist had juicy information about us being in actual danger, it would have been introduced after the sensantialist headlines.
No, the examples were of soldiers who forgot that they had left equipment in their packs. Annoying for screeners, but nothing new and nothing alarming, at least not to me.

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