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Comment Walking the Walk (Score 1) 310

Alfresco takes what is essentially an unstable snapshot of the publicly available and GPL'd Community Edition, branches it into a private source repository, stabilizes that private codebase, and makes stable point releases of the commercially licensed Enterprise Edition from that. Sure, fixes from Enterprise Edition are eventually rolled back into the unstable Community Edition trunk, but there is never a stable point release made for the GPL licensed Community Edition. So, if our company wants open source (ie GPL) code for all the products we use in production, we can't get it from Alfresco!

Alfresco partner companies are banned from providing services to clients against the open source Community Edition.

If I fix a critical bug by patching the code for my licensed copy of Enterprise Edition, then I can no longer receive support from Alfresco for the product.

If I try to take part in the open source community and send patches for the product upstream to Alfresco, they either languish untouched:

Or are just flat out closed with no reason given (despite being obvious problems):

So, it seems to me Mr Asay, that although you really like to talk the talk, and although you might just meet the basic legal requirements to qualify as Open Source, when it comes to the spirit and community surrounding Free Software, I don't think you really understand how to walk the walk?

Comment Java Plugin? (Score 1) 151

Oracle plans to not only broaden and accelerate its own investment in the Java platform, but also plans to increase the commitment to the community that helps make Java an ubiquitous, innovative platform unified around open standards.

Does that mean Sun will now stop reneging on their promise to open source the new Java plugin?

Comment Re:OMG (Score 2, Insightful) 942

Dude, we have cut down half the rain forests, paved over, through, and around half the planet, sprawled our cities and homes through the habitat of countless animal species, destroyed the ozone layer, polluted the oceans... and you think _steak_ is the problem? How about we quit having babies until we reduce the worlds population from 7 billion to 1 billion, and eat all the steak we want! I think a billion people would probably be more than enough (and we can engineer them all to be smarter while we are at it).

Comment Mod Parent Up! (Score 1) 942

Exactly, everyone quit having babies already!! We need to shrink the population, consolidate people around fewer urban centres with mass transit, reverse the sprawl, dig up most the roads, and let a few continents just totally grow over with rain forests again, where we can all just go to visit on vacation.

Comment Or yes (Score 1, Flamebait) 815

Oh give me a break, what a crock!

First off, the whole damn thing was so FUBAR, reports from users surely aren't even needed at all! The slightest bit of rudimentary testing reveals obvious breakage in multiple serious ways! You are getting hung up on all the details nice users like me took the time to write in there, when in reality we should have all just reported "all of us think this thing sucks for totally obvious reasons, have you even tried it? Fix your broken shit.".

"I will ignore all other issues mentioned in comments here."

Second of all, if I want to communicate with the developer by submitting bug reports written on a fricken paper aeroplane, then that's my prerogative - 1 report, 10 reports, initial bug, in the comments, it doesn't matter. The bottom line is that users are communicating serious problems to the developer, and the developer is *ignoring* them, because he doesn't care for how they were submitted. And, yeah, sure, that's his prerogative too, but it doesn't change the fact that the software sucks, problems are being brought to his attention, and he's not acting on them.

Third, you can't expect users to file separate reports for separate issues if they aren't capable of discerning how many issues there are! I already spent an hour identifying and writing down all the problematic and erratic behaviour I was seeing - and I have no idea how many different bugs that actually is. He should be thankful for receiving carefully specified reports at all, and use his knowledge of the system to immediately identify how many bugs there are, and go file separate bug reports himself, rather than expecting me to somehow slog through figuring it all out. He's not being paid to write software for me, but I'm also not being paid to do QA for him.

Comment Re:Are you not an 'apologist'? (Score 1) 747

Agreed. I always had worries about the Mono+Patent situation, but when MS announced Silverlight and "de Icaza, who is attending Mix, was able to commit without hesitating" [1] to implementing it for Linux as Moonlight, I then immediately knew that he couldn't possibly have any idea of the patent situation surrounding that technology, and thus that he ultimately doesn't have any regard for the threat such things represent to the Free Software community.


Comment Free Software FTW (Score 2, Insightful) 290

Just install Free Software and GNU/Linux and forget about all these stupid games! Take control of your computing with an platform created by the people, for the people. Use something which is designed to enable you, rather than restrict you - locking you in and exploiting you for cash.

Comment Re:To be more specific (Score 1) 673

I think that saddest part is the shame causing your cringe, which society has taught people regarding any sexuality. I like to think of a world where one would be no more ashamed of the porn site popping up than your favorite music site. Hell, even as it stands, after you are done cringing, your guest probably just goes home and checks out whatever site they saw the link to themselves ;)

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