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Comment millions in a few decades (Score 1) 80

Statistical extrapolation say at least half of the systems have them. We can only detect the one percent of edge-on systems with transit method or the fat-fast ones with doppler. But we've barely started to look at the systems within a couple thousand light years. There are millions of starts within this distance.

Comment you are responsible for your career (Score 1) 182

I've worked in companies during both flush times and tight times. It was nice when they would pay for courses and conferences. But against my advice these items are often dropped first in cutbacks and I observe employee skills suffer. Maybe because I've earned my way through college and have a science background that I decide to still educate myself. Choose the more rewarding conferences, do fewer of them, stay local and cheaper etc. Online training and conference has become better in recent years. I have observed the complainers i.e. "i wont lft a finger to educate myself unless the company pays for it" tend to be let go first in the numerous layoffs I have observed.

These costs are tax deductable once they exceed 2% of your salary, but I havent gone that far yet.

Comment A liberal education includes computing (Score 2) 144

I dont think it the reason is purely vocational (jobs). Young people know computers run the world and contribute to the human intellectual enterprise. Larry Summers tried to strengthen the S&E requirement for a Harvard degree (he was in my MIT class) and the faculty rebuffed him. MITs required six S&E courses for a degree makes them more liberal (broadly educated) in my opinion than Harvard.

P.S. Computing is NOT one of the six MIT S&E requirements yet. But it comes up everytime the requirments are reviewed.

Comment runaway globale warming? (Score 1) 273

Methane is the thrid most important greenhouse gas after water and carbon dioxide, currently contributing about 10% of the effect. There are tremendous amounts of methane frozen in permafrost and continental shelf hydrates. The fear is ocean warming cold melt more hyrdrates, release more methane and make it still warmer.

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