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Comment saw threshhold was 5 cents a RFID tag (Score 1) 88

For the economics to work. Its 7 to 15 cents now according to RFID Journal (google). At one time Walmart was talking about rfid-tagging everything, but settled at the pallet level. I dont know what the bottleneck was. I like my library system for automatically checking out and returning books.

Comment bridge between first two eras of silicon valley (Score 1) 74

The first era of silicon valley was the commercialization the transistor between the 1950s and early 1970s by Shockley and his renegades from the east coast. This established the culture of quick startup companies and nomadic engineers you really hadnt seen elsewhere in the world. Then when the number of transistors on a single chip exceeded a thousand using cheap CMOS technology you could put a whole CPU on chip and complete computer in a box for a couple thousand dollars. This lead to the second era of the personal computer in the 1970s and 1980s.

Comment lot of technology to reduce show costs and speed p (Score 2) 106

Rodenberry said in his book The Making of Star Trek that he eschewed shuttles and invented transporters to cut the cost of filming and avoid the extra time it would take to depict a shuttle in the show. Ditto for many of the other devices. Constrast this to the Iron Man movie why they glory in showing expensive FX gizmos.

Comment 10,000 times slower/costly to write than read DNA (Score 1) 42

Mainly because scientists have focused on reading and invented clever technologies to do so. The guy who made the reading breakthrough, Craig Venter, is also a writing pioneer in his synthetic biology work. Earlier this year there was a secret meeting ran by a Harvard prof to launch the DNA-WRITE project to improve write technology. The meeting was secret because it was feared that anti-GMO groups and general Frankenstein fear might quash the efforts prematurely. P.S. Some computer write memory technologies are also much slower than reading.

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