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Comment Re:Affect the moon? (Score 1) 61

Is the mass of these waves large enough to affect the earth's spin on it's axis?

Especially since they are far away from the earth's center of gravity, it seems they would have more effect.

I'm thinking specifically of the tsunami in Japan -- how that much movement of so much water might have introduced a "wobble" in the earth's spin.

Comment Re:No relation to fracking is what the big media (Score 3, Interesting) 111

The natural gas industry spends billions of dollars to capture methane for sale and combustion.

This methane plume represents millions of dollars lost (possibly billions since its so large) -- if NASA can locate the source, I'm sure more than one oil & gas company would be more than happy to keep all that money from blowing away with the wind.

Comment Slashdot (Score 0) 269

You'll notice the comment-moderation "wold-pack" happens on Slashdot mainly around the time of the US elections.

It's the same thing: all contrary views get modded out of existence and only one viewpoint is promoted.

Comment Re:Limited 'show' here. (Score 1) 202

This just affirms doubts concerning the US claims of North Korean hacking Sony Pictures or any-given-hullabaloo about cyber attacks.

Perhaps it's all a deception to achieve some political end?

Or perhaps Snowden and Russia, et. all are trying to undermine our trust in the supreme integrity of our not-to-be-quesitoned leaders :)

Comment High-Beta Fusion (Score 1) 214

If the SkunkWorks claim is legit about having a working idea for a practical High-Beta Fusion reactor, the by-product of that reaction is Helium-3. So:

  1. We don't need a Helium-3/Thorium reactor
  2. If we did, the High Beta reactor could produce the Helium 3 for it

The added nifty-ness of SkunkWork's reactor is that a requires Tritium: a by-product of existing nuclear fission reactors! So cleans up existing nuclear waste (waste-water, anyway) and creates energy and creates Helium-3! Almost too good to be true...

Don't really know why you need to go to the moon for Helium-3 if you can make it while generating power. Of course if we need copper or gallium arsenide or something and the moon has it, maybe that's worth it too.

Comment Re:"Good News" is Relative (Score 2) 85

You have the right idea. I would hope you would shoot down a drone flying low over your property.

The problem is the FAA is claiming I can't fly a drone over your property at your request in order to provide some service (crop inspection, land survey, etc.) because they are claiming (incorrectly IMO) that they own all the airspace over your land.

I would rather private property air-rights were increased to 1200 feet (right now they are arguably somewhere between 83 and 500 feet, except for those idiots in Oregon that ceded air-rights to the state from ankle-height). I don't think the FAA has the rights to restrict what you do with your airspace: and that's what they are trying to do.

In the end: I wouldn't worry about the drones you can see and shoot down with your shotgun (and you should): it's the ones you can't see you should be concerned about.

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